Recent content by curltron

  1. curltron

    2016 QuantNet Rankings of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    I like how you show the methodology, but can you see the scores in each category for the programs anywhere? I'm curious to see how these ties keep occurring.
  2. curltron

    UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Discussion

    Moretodo, what you are saying is just false. 3 or 4 students is the amount of fresh grads in the program... I was able to secure the internship at Goldman Sachs and my GPA was definitely not 4.0, closer to 3.5. The valedictorian I believe you're referring to is an alumni from previous years...
  3. curltron

    COMPARE Columbia MSFE vs Berkeley MFE

    Hi Archimedes. I'm a current UCB student so I can comment on the Berkeley MFE. The career services at UCB are phenomenal. The class size is much smaller which allows them to spend plenty of time placing each student, and as you said, more interaction with professors. For my fulltime offer, I...
  4. curltron

    UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Discussion

    I'd expect all of the fresh graduates in the program to give feedback similar to mine, but I can't read minds nor will I try. The gist though is that the program wouldn't give an offer to a student they didn't think they could place. They have quite a selection to choose from, and good potential...
  5. curltron

    UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Discussion

    Hi Pablo. I'm actually a current student in the program, graduating in a few weeks. Not sure how moretodo is getting this information as he is not, to my knowledge, a current student. I came into the program without any experience, and was able to secure an internship at Goldman Sachs, and...
  6. curltron

    UCB MFE Housing for incoming class

    Rent is generally from 1k to 2k, usually much closer to 2k. I-house is great for the first semester since you have a cafeteria, and you'll eat with many of your classmates (assuming they also go to I-house). It is, as far as I know, the absolute closest you can live to Haas. However, it's about...
  7. curltron

    UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Discussion

    They (the program office) should be providing a facebook group for you all in time.
  8. curltron

    ito's lemma help

    Hi baozi, It should be that dX ~ N(0,dt) if dX^2 = dt.
  9. curltron

    Do american white people get affirmative action when applying to mfe programs?

    I think being white is correlated with being an English speaking native, which have communication advantages in the US job market. Will being white enhance your chances? I don't think so, but speaking English as your first language certainly will.
  10. curltron

    I got an offer from Berkeley so I decided to turn UCLA down actually.

    I got an offer from Berkeley so I decided to turn UCLA down actually.
  11. curltron

    2013 University of California, Berkeley - Accepted

  12. curltron

    UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Discussion

    Nono official emails for UCLA, not Berkeley. I don't know about Berkeley.
  13. curltron

    UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Discussion

    Thank you! I'm excited! Francesca told me official emails would be going out soon over the phone today. The deadline is May 15th (tuesday) according to their website so I guess this isn't super secret.
  14. curltron

    UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Discussion

    UCLA. It sounds like emails should be on their way within the next few days.
  15. curltron

    UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Discussion

    I'm just beyond 3 now so I'm hoping we hear soon. I've got an offer from another school already and don't want to miss out.
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