Recent content by latency

  1. L

    variance swaps like derivatives

    vix options and futures?
  2. L

    Best algotrading school

    go to a brand name school, in the US-ivy league and top engineering schools, most hft firms recruit only from the top schools and a few schools around the chicago area. they dont expect you to know anything much, although having a computer science background puts you at an advantage.
  3. L

    COMPARE MFE from USA vs MBA from IIMs (India)

    i think an MFE is pretty risky given that you do not have any experience in finance and that you will be spending a hundred grand on it. Yes, new laws/regulations are definitely taking a toll on S&T jobs. On the other hand, private trading firms might get some advantages due to this. However, no...
  4. L

    COMPARE MFE from USA vs MBA from IIMs (India)

    you will have a broader experience with a degree from the IIMs than from an MFE degree. Moreover, you will have the same kind of jobs open to you from the IIMs, namely sales and trading in London/Asia as well as light quant roles. Given that a lot of sales and trading roles are now in Asia, I...
  5. L

    entry level trader salary, need advices??

    I would strongly advise you not to join any such firm. Try finding firms which have a strong business and train you in their way of trading. good shops pay around 80-90k while smaller ones around 30-50k.
  6. L

    When Futures is higher than its Underlying Index

    are you comparing the closes at the same time, in the US, the index closes are at 3 cst while the futures close at 3:15 cst
  7. L

    Why are there so many international MFE/MFin students?

    when you see so many people buying something, you know it is the high..
  8. L

    Non-Target Schools (Florida, e.g.)

    do not do a phd because you want to get a quant role and that too from a low tier school. it is unfortunate but the first thing people generally look is the school and dismiss it. and personally, i would do the same too.
  9. L

    Where are all the NYC entry level / junior positions?

    the hiring season is usually fall when they go to schools to recruit for full time positions. some firms have days when they bring in a whole bunch of preselected candidates and interview them..i am not sure what school you are in, but they typically visit top schools. in the midwest, they do...
  10. L

    Where are all the NYC entry level / junior positions?

    try the prop trading firms in chicago or nyc, although the hiring season is past, they are not averse to hiring off season..
  11. L

    Useful Practice If You're Interested In Trading

    you will be surprised, walk into any good chicago options trading firm...
  12. L

    McKinsey vs. Quant

    I would advise you to talk to people in both firms, look at what people have done with their careers in both places. Historically, people from McKinsey have tended to do really well (ignoring the few recent /past scandals) either in corporations/governments/non-profits. Moreover, its alumni...
  13. L

    HFT Careers and How to Get Into High Frequency Trading

    most hft firms in chicago hire kids right out of college from places like mit, princeton etc. the ones focused on hft equities etc typically expect you to have good programming skills or statistics and some scripting skills. the ones in hft options trading don't care as long as you are smart. i...
  14. L

    Real time performance measurement system architectures, industry standard research
  15. L


    if you are in the mood to give away money to market makers and the like, it is a good idea.
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