Recent content by PennyLess

  1. P

    MIT MFin MIT MFin grad looking for job in CNNMoney video

    Are all the segments in the video recent? I am connected to this girl on linkedin and it shows that she's been employed at GE capital since the end of last year.
  2. P

    MIT MFin 2011 MIT MFin Placement Report

    The source is from the MIT MFin Class of 2012 facebook group. We have been more actively discussing this employment report than you have here. ;) We were really curious about some of these figures and want to clarify some things up. Although that group is a closed group for students of the...
  3. P

    MIT MFin 2011 MIT MFin Placement Report

    The statistics is presented in a strange manner. I know of at least two students going straight to phD finance programs, and there could be more. Yet the employment report just lumped them into the "postponing job search" section. Someone in the class of 2011 just commented on the 30k figure...
  4. P

    What is the job satisfaction of financial engineers?

    If you check the SOA directory and filter by the names of large banks, you can see that there are quite some people that have switched from actuarial to quant (some list the MFE as the highest degree). I am looking to do the same thing - newly minted FSA, attending school for my masters next...
  5. P

    How worth is an Actuary designation (FSA) in the world of finance ?

    I have four years of actuarial experience since graduating from college. I am a newly minted FSA (just got it last week). I work in consulting, with experience mainly in life/health insurance but have also done a year of consulting for a bank on Wall Street on risk-based capital. I took the...
  6. P

    How worth is an Actuary designation (FSA) in the world of finance ?

    Not very worthy. Why would hedge funds want to hire actuaries when actuaries specialize in insurance? If you want to get into a hedge fund, go for a top MFE. I know a couple of FSAs that work for banks and funds, but many of them work in roles related to actuarial, such as liability-driven...
  7. P

    Good undergrad for financial eng?

    Don't major in actuarial science. It limits you on future opportunities for other fields. I would say take a focused curriculum in pure math, computer science and economics/finance. By now probably enough people have told you that an actuarial science degree is not needed for an actuarial job. I...
  8. P

    MIT MFin Versatility of MIT MFin

    We should probably ask the program director to offer a C++ for finance class in the Spring semester. Not sure if it's going to happen while we are still there.
  9. P

    MIT MFin Versatility of MIT MFin

    As many of you probably know, MIT students can cross-register to take classes at Harvard. After some research, I found that during the 2011-2012 academic year, the following "quanty" classes are offered at Harvard. Students in MIT's MFin classes can enroll in these if they find the current...
  10. P

    MIT MFin Why so many people apply MIT MS Finance this year?

    Many people actually think that MIT might get "over-enrolled" this year. Last year they admitted 83 and ended up with a class size of 58. This year they admitted 112 in both rounds. It's likely that more than 60 would enroll.
  11. P

    COMPARE MFin vs. Operations Research/Statistics

    It's not necessary to have the paper published. Having conducted independent research will be good enough, especially if you can obtain a letter of recommendation from a professor that comments on your research talents. Here's the graduate student directory of MIT's Operations Research program...
  12. P

    COMPARE MFin vs. Operations Research/Statistics

    An MBA with specialization in Finance does not go into as much depth as the MFin at MIT. The MBA curriculum is very general, comprised of courses in marketing, management and accounting also. The one-year course Analytics of Finance is specially designed for students in the MFin program. There's...
  13. P

    Any recommended book on derivatives trading

    For trading options you can probably take a look at Financial Options: From Theory to Practice. It appears to emphasize the trading strategies.
  14. P

    COMPARE MFin vs. Operations Research/Statistics

    If you have published papers in academic journals, that will help a lot. The important thing all graduate institutions look at is your ability to conduct original research. So if you have research assistant experience with one of the very well known professors, and were able to obtain a letter...
  15. P

    MIT MFin Versatility of MIT MFin

    MIT's program is actually deficient in the programming component. Though the two semesters of Analytics of Finance are very quantitative, the programming component only involves using MatLab. An introduction to C++ course is only offered once a year during the winter break as a crash course...
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