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  • Hi, Andy said that he introduced you to Houston based recruiter in power industry. Do you have his information? Thanks!!
    Hi, Kindly check your inbox.I have some queries related to CGU-Financial Engineering.
    As far as UCLA, though it has a great name, the program seems kind of forced. As of right now I am most likely going to go to CGU, the only reason USC is still in the running is because its closer to me as I have to stay in the Los Angeles area to take care of my mother and wont be able to actually move to Claremont. If you have any additional thoughts, please share. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks a bunch.
    Thank you for your insight. I am not concerned with job placement as I am with the quality of education - I have a nice network at my disposal. Also, I may shoot for a top tier MBA after which will likely provide me with the networking I need. I made visits to all three schools and felt that CGU was best in providing the good foundation. Its strange to me that the USC MFE is in the eng school.
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