Recent content by wenxue

  1. W

    Chicago MSFM UChicago MFE part-time and distance learning program

    I have full time job now in an quantitative (using SAS) but nonquant position. Would it be a good idea to take UChicago MFE part-time and distance learning program to break in the quant area? Since part-time students are not able to get the career services/support from the school, how can I...
  2. W

    30 year old Female Phd seeking advices

    My profile: Age: 30 Gender: F Degree: Ph.d in agricultural economics, school ranking around 60 in U.S. Dissertation is real option using PDE Work experience: 2 years risk modeling in financial company (commercial lending industry) , not quant position Skill set: 1) lot of statistics and...
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