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  • Dear fish:
    I am also got admit to the MAFN in columbia,
    I am from IIT madras 2007 passout India bachelors in metallurgy and had 3 yrs of work ex in s/ware and metal industry
    Can you share some your background and contact details as I would like to interact with as many of my fellow mates b4 joining.
    My contact details are
    Ph: 00919691624220
    mail Id: dilipv12.iitm@gmail.com(Do send me yours as we can stay in touch)
    Hi Ziming,

    I also got Admission for Columbia MAFN. I have accepted it because I havent heard anything from Chicago MSFM and got rejected by UZurich as well. I haven't applied to many other places though.

    hey budddy!
    I see you got more than oen acceptance. Which one will you probably choose, Im almot in the same situation and Im lost, dunno which is better. Some friends were advising me to go for LSE though. What are your thoughts?
    I think LSE is outstanding. But I am lean to Columbia as I am a Canadian. Since I am an Asian and may come bak someday, I think American schools hold more weights.
    Also, I doubt if you can easily find a job in London at this moment.(if you come from Euro then its fine) I think the decision depends on where you wanna work.

    May I ask what else you have?
    sure buddy! i am from the middle east and maybe that's why i feel europe is closer for me! Other than LSE, I have imperial college, Manchester and a couple more in UK. Also, Columbia and BU in the states. Time is passing and im still unsure about where to go, but good chance that ill be in london. Are you Chinese? just making a guess!
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