Advanced C++ and Modern Design

Advanced C++ and Modern Design

Reviews 4.84 star(s) 109 reviews

If you are serious, take it.
It is an amazing course for all aspiring developers. It prepares you become a serious C++ programmer. It has tons of information and many resources are cited for further study.
Yes, I would recommend this program
Hardcore but highly recommended!
The course is really hardcore and it meets, if not exceeds, my original expectations. I believe I would recommend it to any friend who works in the field of quantitative finance.
Yes, I would recommend this program
Most rigorous course. My skills are now on another level.
This course is definitely worth taking. It is the most rigorous and challenging programming course I've ever taken after the C++ for Financial Engineering course, but it has brought my programming skills to another level. The course not only goes into details on C++ 11/14 syntax, but also teaches many useful applications like multithreading and many design models that can be applied to any language.
Yes, I would recommend this program
Nice course. High quality TA!
It is really a nice course, the content of the course meets my expectations. TA is very responsible, and able to give the high-quality feedbacks. Definitely recommend.
Yes, I would recommend this program
Lambda, Multi threading, design pattern
It was excellent course for me to learn. I have gained substantial understanding in TMP, lambda usage, multi threading , and several design pattern implementation.
Yes, I would recommend this program
Homework is the most valuable part!
I think the most valuable part of this course is the homework. After all, practice is the best way to improve programming skills.

I haven't used C++ for a long time, and my original goal is to be familiar with C++ again and learn more advanced knowledge. It turned out that this course meets my goal!
Yes, I would recommend this program
Amazing experience with all the TA help!
I've learned a lot through this course. At the very beginning, I was worried about whether I can handle this course. But with all practical materials and exercises, gradually, I found myself more skilled in C++ programming, especially in system design. Avi and GONG CHEN's help was amazing!
Yes, I would recommend this program
Highly recommend!
The course was extremely well done and it really did help me learn the advanced features of C++! I highly recommend it for MFE applicants!
Yes, I would recommend this program
Great course. Definitely will help my career.
This is a great course that goes beyond my original expectation. I have not only gotten familiarity of C++11 and Boost library, but also grasped system designs and multi-threading programming techniques. They are all helpful to my current work and future career development.
Yes, I would recommend this program
Thank you QuantNet for this course.
"Complete course, with focus on key topics that frequently come up at daily work (ex. std::move for optimisation, lambdas, algorithms and data structures, override keyword etc.). Very useful practical exercises on these topics that help better feel the subject.

Some topics are quite complicated, like multithreading, atomics, signals - for me ~ two weeks per level wasn't enough to get a ""working"" understanding of the subject. Though it was good and useful to work through some basic examples that are building blocks for more complicated applications.

Patterns are presented clearly, exercises are well structured in a step-by-step guide. I always wanted to better understand patterns and apply this knowledge to develop more efficient and professional code. Thanks to the course, I'm well equipped.

Thank you QuantNet for this course. In my daily work I have to perform code optimisation, implement new functionality in C++, and the course provided me with very essential knowledge and skills."
Yes, I would recommend this program
The course covered a lot of new features in C++11/14 and homework were really good to practice those concepts. The video tutorials are also good and detailed. There is a very good and responsive support system through the forums in case you are stuck with exercises or have a general question. The course also covers a great deal of Boost libraries and compares it with C++ standard library. I would recommend it to any C++ developer who wants to enhance their skills by learning the new features of C++11/14.
Yes, I would recommend this program
State of the art C++20 course
The quality is extremely high. I feel the content is very high-end and state-of-the-art. I learned a lot of modern software design patterns and techniques, which I'm sure I cannot learn from anywhere else. The TAs are very helpful too.

The homeworks are very challenging, and once I finished them, I feel I master all the knowledge quite well.

It meets my original goal for taking this course, and actually it gives more than I expected.
Yes, I would recommend this program
Intense course. Learned a lot!
A DS major myself, I find the course quite intense. It took me ~440 hours to complete the entire course. The course is well-structured and carefully planned out. As you learn, you gradually put pieces together to create something higher-leveled. The C++11 features and design patterns can be extremely useful (even for a CS/DS student). In addition, the TAs have been prompt and helpful throughout the course. Lots have been learned through assignment feedback.
Yes, I would recommend this program
The content was well laid out and logically organized, and the course covered a variety of useful topics.
Yes, I would recommend this program
Perfect course for my needs.
This course covers a variety of advanced C++11/C++14 features, which help us improve our projects regarding clearness and performance. The contents emphasize the application in practice. It perfectly meets my original goal for taking this course.
Yes, I would recommend this program
C++ has become my most comfortable language by far.
The Advanced C++ course covers much more ground than the basic course and is also much more challenging and complex. Furthermore, the structure of the course also helps build effective self-learning strategies, as students will often need to read up on STL and boost libraries in order to implement many mechanics covered in the homework assignments.

As a result, C++ has become my most comfortable language by far.
Yes, I would recommend this program
Help me master the advanced C++11
This course definitely helped me to master the advanced C++11 and C++14 features, the materials are up-to-date and also applicable for MFE. With this course, I can modify my "outdated" C++ concepts. TAs are really responsible and can reply to questions or submissions swiftly.
Yes, I would recommend this program
Very solid training.
Quality is very high. It provides a very solid training that I was looking for.
Yes, I would recommend this program
A very comprehensive course that helps me transfer from how to program in C++ to how to better program in C++.
Yes, I would recommend this program
Cutting edge C++11/C++14 features
I took the Advanced course in order to meet the prerequisite of MFE program. I am not a CS major and prior to this course, I only had taken one CS course in school so my background in C++ programming was weak. However, this course really helped me to walk through the essence of OOP in C++ and its intersection with Financial Engineering, plus the cutting edge C++11/C++14 features used in finance. Recently, I relied on this course to receive a quant offer in a French bank which I would have impossibly done so months ago. I cannot thank enough to the feedback that Avi has provided throughout the course.
Yes, I would recommend this program