C++ Programming for Financial Engineering

C++ Programming for Financial Engineering

Reviews 4.93 star(s) 1,311 reviews

I will be attending graduate school in this field and I want to learn more programming as I thought it would help me tremendously in my career. This course was amazing and I learned so much about programming in addition to my knowledge in python. C++ is more of a language for developers and having that background gives me more confident in coding. I will continue to practice in C++ and hope I can use this in my graduate studies and in the future.
Yes, I would recommend this program
I took this course because I wanted to be proficient in C++ as prep for my MFE studies. Coming from a Computer Science background I was familiar with the basics of C/C++ but not the intricacies of the why and how of many things.

I enjoyed the overall course structure - being from a Computer Science background I was able to take it at a slightly faster pace but I found some levels extremely helpful, in particular Template programming and Dynamic Polymorphism.

The TA Avi Palley was extremely prompt in grading assignments and responding to queries and I think that someone grading your coding assignments by reading the whole source instead of just the outputs is salient feature of this course.
Yes, I would recommend this program
To improve my programming skill
Yes, I would recommend this program
I will enroll in Mathematics in Finance at NYU soon. C++ is not taught there and I have not learned C++ before. C++ for financial engineering course in quantnet.com is a well-known course that suits for no background student which teaches C++ systematically as well as offers a chance to use it in option pricing. So I took this course and felt that I learned a lot.
Yes, I would recommend this program
The course gives a solid understanding of important C++ concepts. The assignments for each level provide practice on each concept and helps to achieve clarity.
Yes, I would recommend this program
Quizzes and homework are very well structured and really help you gain a solid foundation.
Yes, I would recommend this program
I want more of solid background in object oriented programming and its application to financial engineering
Yes, I would recommend this program
- I really enjoyed learning from the professor(instructor), TAs and the forum.

- I found the course to be well structured and balanced. I felt that the pace was good and topics sufficient to prepare you for further self-learning or application.

- The assignments at the end of each week, gave me a chance to apply all of the learnings from the lectures/notes. Personally, the assignments made me think, and gave me a chance to play around with the code we write.

Thanks to the course, I am excited to continue the learning.
Yes, I would recommend this program
The course was amazing. I learned so much and I had the pleasure of having a great TA that was able to answer my questions in a timely manner and in a way in which he didn't give the answer away
Yes, I would recommend this program
The course has covered a wide range of cpp knowledge with practical coding skills, and it presents them in a quite luminous way. The most enjoyable part of the course is the homework at each level, because the homework leads me to think more deeply about the material. It is exciting to finish the challenges through my own effort instead of others' teaching.
Yes, I would recommend this program
I took this course as recommended by my supervisor.
Yes, I would recommend this program
The course is very well designed and covers the core knowledge needed to start from zero to a rough understanding of financial engineering programming. Many of the assignments were quite challenging but were successfully completed through the course tutorials and forum guidelines. The forum resources were really valuable! My TA was very meticulous in guiding me to revise each home assignment, such teaching feedback mechanism really made me feel supported.
Yes, I would recommend this program
This was a very challenging course but it covered a lot of material which is great. I found this course by looking online for a Cpp course that was directly applied to quantitative finance. The reason for taking the course is that I am enrolled in a Quantitative Finance master's that will start in a couple of months.
Yes, I would recommend this program
Well organized material, hands on project and hw experience.

The reason for me to take the course is that I want to improve my coding skill.
Yes, I would recommend this program
I got to know this class when applying for MFE programs. I think the course content was very progressive and easy to grasp. It helped me to understand the important basics of c++ in a short period of time.
Yes, I would recommend this program
It has a been a great experience to learn this course. The TA is extremely helpful. I took this course because I am a financial mathematics student and need some programming exercise.
Yes, I would recommend this program
I think the course is well-designed, and the concepts are well-explained. I think C++ is important for a career in quant finance.
Yes, I would recommend this program
Although it's a pity that I ended up with two points to get a distinct certificate, I enjoy participating in this course.
Yes, I would recommend this program
Reviewed by Verified Member
Found the course on google. Need to brush up on C++ ASAP.

Course was excellent. Change nothing. If anything create a third one after the advanced C++ cert haha.
Yes, I would recommend this program
I think overall, the course is very good. I learned and benefited a lot from the course. It really gave me a taste of financial engineering with C++. Wonderful experience.
Yes, I would recommend this program