Illinois Institute of Technology - Master in Mathematical Finance

Illinois Institute of Technology - Master in Mathematical Finance

IIT Math Finance

Reviews 4.33 star(s) 6 reviews

A program always make you believe you will perform better in Quant World!(2011.08 – 2013.05)

What do you think is unique about this program?
The program’s curriculum has a great combined flavor from theoretical perspective and practical projects. From theoretical SIDE, the professors from Math department gave out great lectures from theoretical stochastic processes to classical mathematical finance theory to frontier credit risk modeling. From practical side, professors who are QUANTS from industry talked about fixed income modeling, numerical financial programming, etc. The learning experiences make you feel you are learning new things based on your knowledge and do better jobs.

What are the weakest points about this program?
The connection between the program and industrial who wants to hire MFEs is not yet strong. Also, the program focuses more on stochastic processes way of modeling financial instruments. It lacks training on statistical methods (unless you took some elective courses which have unparalleled quality as compared with those required courses). At Chicago where quant trading firm/buy side needs statistical experts, this might not very good. But from sell-side or large banks’ perspective, this might be, on the contrary, one strong point.

Career services
Career services are becoming better. Although most companies coming to school or posting jobs on board are not financial company, they are still trying to bring in more. But like most quant program in USA, finding jobs are individual work. Career Management guy will try their best helping preparing your portfolios.

Student body
All Are Chinese students without prior experiences. That’s why we have more academia flavor.
Suggestions for the program to make it better
Program director or associate director actually have strong connection with industry people around the world. If they can bring in those kinds of relationships into the program, the program will deserve a 5+ star!

What are your current job status? What are you looking for?
Already got two offers which are closely related to what I learnt.

Other comments
If you are really into mathematical finance/FE/Quant and would like to learn as hard as you can, you will love the program, the faculty, the students and with several job offers and director’s warning messages as your graduation gifts.
Alway beyond your expectation!

What do you think is unique about this program?
Small program, excellent professors and students, located in Chicago

What are the weakest points about this program?
Theoretical classes are not that useful

Career services
The alumuni network is growing. School career service is fairly good. Graduates worked mostly in financial institutions, trading floors and different types of programmers.

Student body
80% international
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