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  1. M

    Who are you voting for in 2012?

    1) China is both a low cost manufacturer and a damn good one at that. Being low cost means nothing if you produce garbage. China is really stealing jobs from Mexico because of this. Think about it. Low cost, close proximity to the US and yet we still go to China. Cheap is just one factor. Maybe...
  2. M

    Who are you voting for in 2012?

    I compared it to the Pound also. The Yen is a mess. Maybe the Canadian or Australian dollar is a better comparison, both of which are strong. But comparing to the AUS is rather biased since Australia is a massive commodity based economy. Interesting chart, do you have a link to some of his...
  3. M

    Who are you voting for in 2012?

    I agree though that we need to let the recession fix things. People need to take their medicine.
  4. M

    Who are you voting for in 2012?

    Printing money when you are the worlds reserve currency is a little different than Zimbabwe. 95% decline? I went to the UK like 6-7 years ago and the exchange rate was 1.54 ish dollar to pound. Now it is 1.61. that isn't 95%. 1.41 dollar to Euro. High, yes, but around 2004 peak, not 95%...
  5. M

    Who are you voting for in 2012?

    The Fed has a dual mandate, which I disagree with. Low inflation and low unemployment. We still have 9.2% official unemployment, the last thing we want is to raise rates and contract the economy. It is debatable whether a deficit or a balanced budget is better. I think that a deficit, within...
  6. M

    Who are you voting for in 2012?

    You can cut them. Social Security can be raised and we can reduce the cost of living increases. Medicaid/care can get reduced funding. Check out what states are doing in order to avoid defaults. Trust me, entitlements are cool until we need that cash for something really important. They can and...
  7. M

    Who are you voting for in 2012?

    If you live close to work you can reduce your energy costs. If you buy different food or use coupons, etc you can mitigate a lot of costs. I am not saying that prices haven't risen or that people don't feel it, but inflation is not across the board and you can work around it in certain...
  8. M

    Who are you voting for in 2012?

    The US economy is much larger and more dynamic than Europe is. We also have more we can cut. Social Security can be tweaked easily as can the other programs. At the end of the day all those programs are end-able. People might complain, people might cry, but you will see the nanny state become a...
  9. M

    Who are you voting for in 2012?

    Yes, we import a ton. But where? China and they peg their currency. Inflation is pretty modest when you remove food and energy from the equations. Energy use is a factor of proximity to work and living. Food prices are another animal, but I think they can be managed.
  10. M

    Who are you voting for in 2012?

    Trader Joes my friend. I typically avoid hippy places, but the food is both delicious, nutricious and cheap. Now I am just one urban dweller, so I cannot speak for a person with a family to feed, but I consider myself a head of the curve. I personally believe that suburbia is one of the...
  11. M

    Who are you voting for in 2012?

    Gold prices are a mix of things, including fear, jewelry demand, investments, etc. I would imagine with the advent of ETF's the price of gold has increased also considering the new level of access that investors now have. Also, diversifying into commodities is a relatively new concept which has...
  12. M

    Who are you voting for in 2012?

    Once again, unless I am buying foreign goods not pegged to the USD, how is this effecting me? With the way the economy is I am buying things at prices I never thought I could get. Brooks Brothers and Banana Republic are always have sales and my rent is rather cheap IMO. My food costs are...
  13. M

    Who are you voting for in 2012?

    What purchasing power? You are not getting interest. If you have physical gold you have to pay storage costs (or insuring it if you are smart). My USD does just fine.
  14. M

    Is Mercer's cost of living survey reliable?

    My girlfriend is in Delhi now and she has been telling me how surprised she is by the costs. Maybe she just likes expensive stuff lol
  15. M

    Path to Bankruptcy of Sovereign nations

    I don't know, Moody's just put the US on downgrade watch. Hopefully this will be further pressure to come up with a long term deficit reduction plan. Also, our banking bailout actually made money. What lost and continues to lose money is Fannie and Freddie. In Europe the austerity plan being...
  16. M

    Who are you voting for in 2012?
  17. M

    Who are you voting for in 2012?

    I love people holding gold as if one day it will be used. Let me fill you in. The day you are chipping pieces of gold off to buy bread is the day guns and ammo are far more valuable. When the world goes to crap it will be force and intimidation that will rule the day, not some guy with a sack...
  18. M

    Who are you voting for in 2012?

    Illyak, there actually is something that the government does for graduates. If you work in a non for profit capacity or even in something research orientated for the greater good (I need to pull up the actually definitions), the government will forgive your loans after 8 years. Personally, I...
  19. M

    Who are you voting for in 2012?

    How about the argument that speeding laws are nothing but taxes in sheeps clothing. At least in the US, tickets make up a large portion of towns revenue. Speed limits were roll out big time during the oil embargo in the 70's. I understand about proportionality, but a ticket is a ticket. Should...
  20. M

    Who are you voting for in 2012?

    I've gotten a multitude of tickets. All have been fought, delayed for over a year and reduce multiple times. Magic little tool called the internet and my brain. Poor people have access to all of these. Rich people pay lawyers because the opportunity cost of researching and writing letters is too...
  21. M

    Who are you voting for in 2012?

    Oh man, this is going to start a fire. Personally, I think the USA should provide a basic safety net for its citizens. Currently, this is done and then some. If someone makes millions, they deserve it. We should not look towards to rich to milk whenever we want more government spending. Some...
  22. M

    A way to get MS Computer Science for FREE

    You could apply to a bunch of schools and take the lower ranked school that gives you a scholarship. They give stipends for MSF programs, I would imagine they do it for comp sci also. No need to go through the hassle of a PhD admission if all you want is a free degree.
  23. M

    Unpaid internships

    I am a big believer in unintended consequences. Before we start asking for more rules and regulations we need to be prepared for the ripple effects. Everything really just boils down to parenting. That is the reason dirt poor immigrants can come to the US and be so successful. They teach their...
  24. M

    Unpaid internships

    Let me clarify. My experiences and views are based on the US. If someone is working a year unpaid, that is complete crap. I have heard about that happening in Greece and other places and agree with you that it is impossible to expect someone to do that. In the USA, from my experience anyway...
  25. M

    Unpaid internships

    BBW hit the nail on the head. If you go to a lesser school you have to hustle more to break in. That's life. I mean do you think I liked working and commuting to school? I sucked hard core. But what was I going to do? I mean everyone has adversity in their life. You can either let it beat you or...
  26. M

    Unpaid internships

    1) I was not bell ringing. Considering that this post is about unpaid internships and I have done unpaid internships, I think my experiences were relevant to this post. Also, my "bell ringing" was in response to your inaccurate characterization of my past and life. 2) Unpaid internships are...
  27. M

    Unpaid internships

    Let me correct you pal. No one supported me through school. I worked way more than full time during my undergrad and I interned , for free, during both of my masters. I paid for every one of my degrees by myself. The world is unfair. I never said anyone deserves to be poor. What I did say is...
  28. M

    Who are you voting for in 2012?

    I like almost everything you say except for the people passing whatever laws they want. Reason why we have a republican form of government and limited democracy. People get blinded and whipped into a rage and can pass all kinds of horrible laws. Judges need to be able to check this mob...
  29. M

    Who are you voting for in 2012?

    Dude, Pepsi is way sweeter than Coke. That was the whole reason Coke II came out and subsequently bombed. Soooooo much different. Mexican Coke, FTW.
  30. M

    Who are you voting for in 2012?

    1) The charter is the official principals of the group. You might not choose to believe it, but it is what is stated and what the party is on. Who cares that religious fundamentalists believe in the bible word for word? There are people who comply believe in things. Not just Christians, btw. 2)...
  31. M

    Who are you voting for in 2012?

    Nice little edit BTW. How am I defending MY principals. I am not a member of the Tea Party. I am not even a good Christian. I simply link to the facts and try and have humility. You will be proven wrong many times in life, as will I.
  32. M

    Who are you voting for in 2012?

    I just linked to the official charter. You simply fair to see it. These are the basic principals. This is what the group supports. You have every right to think what you want. I've never called you any names or insulted you. I simply think it is foolish to think you know more than you do...
  33. M

    Who are you voting for in 2012?

    A) So me, choosing to give to the charity I want, is wrong? Government redistribution works so much better? I think you need to study history a little better. I would consider welfare to be an utter failure. So much so that a Democrat (Clinton) reformed it to become more "work fare". Give a man...
  34. M

    Who are you voting for in 2012?

    So because members of a political party are Christian, that makes the political parties policies Christian? The Tea Parties STATED politics are for smaller government and fiscal responsibility. Here is the official charter. Also, insulting...
  35. M

    Who are you voting for in 2012?

    Where are these generally stats coming from. The Tea Party is all about smaller government. You just infer that they are religious. I always love people mocking so called intolerance while showing intolerance themselves.
  36. M

    Who are you voting for in 2012?

    Well some of you would be judgmental and foolish. The idea that man knows all the answers is just as preposterous as some unknown being. Overconfidence is a classic weakness in humans.
  37. M

    Who are you voting for in 2012?

    Moralizing and loonies? Most republicans are fiscal conservatives. Some are very religious. On a whole, they tend to be more conservative in nature. One should be wary of casting such a wide net, as if democrats are somehow angels and beyond reproach.
  38. M

    Who are you voting for in 2012?

    Half the people in the USA, who can vote, don't. Might as well let people have an opinion regardless of their voting status.
  39. M

    Who are you voting for in 2012?

    I think the whole idea is that very little gets done. Massive change might seem like a good idea, but it usually is disastrous. The President is largely a figure head anyway. Congress has the real power.
  40. M

    Unpaid internships

    We are arguing in circles. End of the day, just because they have the money doesn't mean they have any obligation to pay for an intern they don't really need. Let the market sort this out. I mean getting a FO position in finance is not a right or necessity. I resent the government interfering...
  41. M

    Unpaid internships

    Illy (and only Illy, please). PM me and I will get you a list of firms in your area to hit up.
  42. M

    Unpaid internships

    BTW, plenty of shops to intern at in small cities. If you live in the middle of North Dakota you are screwed, sorry. If you live near Cleveland, Atlanta, Charlotte, DC, Milwaukee,Rochester, Buffalo, Syracuse, Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Portland, etc, there are tons of firms that you can get...
  43. M

    Unpaid internships

    Yes, some small shops are useless. One of my internships had me build a database. Sucked and I left after 2 months when I wasn't doing anything of huge value add. I did 2 days a week and even that was a waste. (I actually sell that list I created on my own and have made good money. 2nd...
  44. M

    Unpaid internships

    Side note, my comments are directed only towards unpaid finance internships. Some other unpaid internships use the interns as menial, slave labor. That is something very different.
  45. M

    Unpaid internships

    Lets just regulate fairness. That always works. Sorry guys, not going to happen. You force all internships to be unpaid and many internships that would otherwise give people a shot will disappear. All the places I interned at were 5-10 man shops (with the exception of the place I work). None...
  46. M

    Unpaid internships

    End of the day, you force companies to pay for interns and many of these unpaid opportunities will dry up. Yes, of course these places could afford to pay 7 bucks for someone. Question is "would they?". I don't think they would. These are really unneeded internships and if they start costing...
  47. M

    Unpaid internships

    I feel you, but what will happen is a lot of firms just won't do unpaid internships. These unpaid internships suck for poor kids, but that is kinda how life is right. I mean rich families have connections, have money to do whatever, etc. Poor kids need to hustle, the need gumption, etc. That is...
  48. M

    Unpaid internships

    This is not directed at anyone in particular, just in general. I have read a bunch of articles recently and the general theme is that companies should be fined and forced to pay. I wouldn't have a FT offer if this had been the case. As a grown man, a free citizen and an educated individual, I...
  49. M

    Unpaid internships

    Ok, as someone who has done 3 unpaid finance internships, let me clear things up. 1) Big firms don't have unpaid internships. Technically, they are in violation of employment/labor laws. 2) The firms that are willing to have unpaid intern don't usually have a structured program and don't really...
  50. M

    Unpaid internships

    This guy is crying sour grapes. I interned for free for a number of months and it lead to a FT offer. Regardless of the offer, the internship made my resume relevant, gave me tangible experience and I made friends in the industry and got solid references. With an attitude like this guy has he...
  51. M

    when is too old for to be a quant?

    I think it ultimately comes down to how much you want to deal with at an older age. Young people put up with investment banking because they usually have no wife and kids so that responsibility is gone. They have a long career a head of them and banking pays off big the longer you are in the...
  52. M

    Best-Educated Americans are Most Stressed at Work

    Agree with Alexxei. The millionaire finance people are super star traders who have a big year and quit. Working in finance gives you an above average paycheck with above average grief.
  53. M

    Where do you stand politically?

    I agree that there should be limits. Everything in moderation. Here is my basic thinking. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Until we can find a magnanimous saint who will make laws for the good of all, we will be stuck with politicians who use laws meant to "protect" us as a way to control...
  54. M

    Where do you stand politically?

    A corporations duty and goal is to maximize shareholder value, while operating within the bounds if the law. By shareholder value I mean true, long term value. We make up the shareholder. Maybe in the past only the rich owned a piece of a company, but with 401k's, etrade, pensions investing in...
  55. M

    Where do you stand politically?

    North Korea punishes any speech that they consider against the regime. That is a lot different than punishing speech that causes harm. No, I do not support government sponsored anti obesity movements. Yes, over eating is bad for you. So is having unprotected sex, lack of sleep, stress, too...
  56. M

    What is the job satisfaction of financial engineers?

    If you work for a large bank, in NYC, you are going to feel pressure and a lot of hours. Finance is not a feel good field of work.
  57. M

    Where do you stand politically?

    Freedom of speech does not mean no responsibility. Yelling fire in a crowded theater is an attempt to harm people, not speak your mind. Honestly, I think the Bill of Rights is pretty solid when it comes to basic rights. Of course some of those freedoms have been watered down over the years, but...
  58. M

    Where do you stand politically?

    I think the government should do what we cannot do individually. Defense, international treaties, etc. Listen, I'm nit advocating no government nor am I saying that there should be zero regulation. I just believe people should be responsible for themselves. The USA has ample opportunity. This is...
  59. M

    Where do you stand politically?

    Ford benefited all people. Pharmaceutical companies benefit all. GE has been beneficial. ADM, MSFT, APPL, on and on. Companies, seeking to maximize profits and gain market share, have benefited people incredibly. Private companies, universities and the department of defense have invented or...
  60. M

    Where do you stand politically?

    1) Regulation in moderation is not an issue. Of course worker safety laws are good. Of course laws preventing companies from dumping radioactive waste into lakes is good. 2) How is it that corporations and right wingers are somehow inherently bad or unable to govern? Democrats and left leaning...
  61. M

    Where do you stand politically?

    Forgive my typing errors. I am pretty tired. Night all.
  62. M

    Where do you stand politically?

    If you were seriously ill and a doctor refused to help you because he wanted a bonus, I suggest you file complaint against him. Honestly, sounds like you should find a much better doctor. I think what you had was a one off jerk rather than a systemic issue. As far as companies maximizing...
  63. M

    Growth of shadow banking Here you go Wolf. The other link you posted doesn't let people read the article.
  64. M

    Where do you stand politically?

    Let's simply shelve this convo. I don't want to make my prediction come true.
  65. M

    Where do you stand politically?

    Dude, I have no issue with paying taxes. There comes a point where taxes for the good of us all become taxes to redistribute to whomever the government deems fit. Paying for roads and schools is a lot different than giving it to those who someone else feels are in need. Also, how does you...
  66. M

    Where do you stand politically?

    Are you talking about eating me bro?
  67. M

    Where do you stand politically?

    Simplicity is usually best. You work for it, you should control how it is spent.
  68. M

    Where do you stand politically?

    Right Libertarian Also, this thread is going to turn into a shit show. Just saying.
  69. M

    Wall Street new round of layoff

    Yes, because quant/engineers are always the best thinkers **cough** LTCM **cough** China has a lot more problems than just water. But yes, currently, China looks to be in a more advantageous position, no doubt. All I am saying is that they need to stay the course for a long time to get really...
  70. M

    Wall Street new round of layoff

    I am sorry, but China is a developing nation. They have 25% of their population beginning to possibly obtain middle class income and standards of living. The other 75% live in 3rd world poverty. The country has massive pollution and environmental issues. Also serious potential social unrest...
  71. M

    Baruch MS in Finance - any takes?

    It is an exec program so unless you have solid work experience, this isn't for you. Baruch is a good school, but wont really help you when it comes to front office banking type work.
  72. M

    Anonymity on the Web

    I completely agree with you Andy and I am really disgusted in the way some people set out to destroy others. This episode where the woman was secretly video taped on the train, throwing a fit, which has lead to her near term life being ruined. People who post these videos and help perpetuated...
  73. M

    Double-Major B.S in Math & Finance?

    Goldman Sachs hires english majors because they went to Ivy League schools, not because investment banking is stupid (not saying it is hard mentally). If you want a job in finance and don't go to a T10 school you better major in finance or maybe math. Yes, you can break in with other...
  74. M

    Wall Street new round of layoff

    Mexico has kidnapping and extreme violence (in certain areas) because of corruption and a weak control of the country. The USA would never, EVER get like that. New Orleans was probably the most extreme this country can get and what happened? We called in the national guard and brought in federal...
  75. M

    Best-Educated Americans are Most Stressed at Work

    Construction might include civil engineers, etc. My receding hairline and gut are a direct response to a "wonderful" career in finance ha.
  76. M

    Career switch from Engineering to Finance/Quant. Am I too old for this?

    Aggression, rudeness and jerkish behavior tend to be something you have to learn how to deal with on the street. You don't get such high pay for nothing. No free lunch.
  77. M

    U Florida MBA data given to U.S. News was inaccurate

    Villanova Law School was caught doing this and not only did the school plummet in rankings but the university basically cleaned house and fired everyone. I could see cases where this would open a university up to lawsuits also. People decide on which school to go because of these rankings...
  78. M

    Wall Street new round of layoff

    Wait a minute. You assert in your post that China needs to remove the Yuan peg and it will benefit Chinese people with increase purchasing power? This doesn't make much sense to me. The USA wants China to remove the peg. A higher Yuan will make Chinese goods more expensive to foreign buyers. It...
  79. M

    Wall Street new round of layoff

    China has a growing middle class. It isn't there yet. China still is a developing nation. China also has massive issues with pollution, lack of native brands and very limited freedom. I am not knocking the nation, but the concept that simply because China owns US debt it is somehow our master is...
  80. M

    Wall Street new round of layoff

    Whoa, wait. China doesn't need the US? We are both connected at the hip. Please tell me how an authoritarian state is going to maintain control with massive unemployment and stagnation? Last time I checked, the USA was the largest market for Chinese goods and US companies employ, in one way or...
  81. M

    Wall Street new round of layoff

    I think this is just cyclical. Wall Street is awash with talent. No need to overpay in slow times when you can simply rehire as needed. Everyone "dreaming" of working on the street needs to be prepared for this. High pay, high stress and zilch job security. Frankly, I would advise people to go...
  82. M

    Wall Street Woos Military Veterans

    It really is mid level guys. Once you reach Col. you would benefit more by going into private industry that ties with the military. Something like Booz Allen or whatever. Military guys can get in with help from other military guys or they go to grad school. Of course, not all military experience...
  83. M

    Career help

    I would do this. Keep working for another year or so. While you are working do the following: 1) Take CFA L1 and if possible L2. 2) Start networking hardcore. Utilize your bank, your undergrad, your friends and family, etc. Try and get into a top MBA program. By top I mean T10-15. Maybe a...
  84. M

    Wall Street Woos Military Veterans

    Publicity stunt, but Wall Street has always had a habit or hiring ex military. The stress and leadership that the military instills is hard to find elsewhere.
  85. M

    Brain Drain good for developing countries??? Really??

    Please send me an email when Iraqi oil output surpasses pre war production. Still hasn't. Oh and last time I checked, the USA is paying market price for the oil Iraq pumps. Oh wait, only the USA uses gasoline. The rest of the world doesn't benefit when additional supply is brought online or...
  86. M

    Brain Drain good for developing countries??? Really??

    Instead of complaining about people doing what people have always done throughout time, seek a better life, those who feel that "brain drain" is negative should focus on finding ways to provide an incentive to stay in their native land. Sorry, but if I am living in a developing country and I am...
  87. M

    Brain Drain good for developing countries??? Really??

    and what exactly is a brilliant artist supposed to do without the proper paint or canvas? Brain drain is because the native country doesn't provide the proper atmosphere. Maybe it is corruption, , maybe an economic system that does not provide the right incentives, who knows. It benefits the...
  88. M

    Considering 2nd BA/BS

    The San Fran program is a quasi MSF program. I am about to post a mini review on my site. Not an MFE program.
  89. M

    India's educational system

    This is the most insane thread I have seen on Quantnet and believe me, I have started and participated in some doozies ha!
  90. M

    Some Recruiting Agents Exploit Chinese Students

    Chinese students might cluster together, but I think American students could make more of an effort to help them acclimate. It is your American job to be a welcoming citizen. I was leaving work at around midnight and met a scared Jamaican girl who literally just landed in the US. I spent about...
  91. M

    Some Recruiting Agents Exploit Chinese Students

    I agree with you that there is collusion, but I really think the students who cheat are truly hurting themselves. Yes, I realize that GPA gets jobs and the school you go to influences a lot, but if a bunch of Chinese students can't speak English and do the work together, what will they have...
  92. M

    Some Recruiting Agents Exploit Chinese Students

    While I agree that this is absolutely disgusting, I don't think it is a federal issue. I mean a Chinese student sent fraudulent materials, provided by a Chinese person to a US state school. It sounds like an immigrant got taken advantage of by one of his fellow citizens who is a little more "in...
  93. M

    COMPARE Princeton MFin versus CMU MSCF

    Placements at Princeton as great because students come in with experience and top qualifications. It isn't entirely the program driving this.
  94. M

    Guy tattooed Gaussian Copula formula on his arm

    When tattoo's are first done they are raised like that. Also notice the reddening around the tattoo. Deff real. Pretty cool, nicely done. Guy is going to have a hard time getting a job with it being visible during the interview. Should have not had it extend past the wrist.
  95. M

    COMPARE Princeton MFin versus CMU MSCF

    Do you want to be a quant or do you want a quantified general masters in finance? CMU will teach you programming as well as true quant finance. Princeton will give you a broad finance exposure, but with a higher level mathematics exposure than at a more traditional MSF program. I would probably...
  96. M

    The college bubble

    Youth unemployment has to do with older citizens not retiring. This is very prevalent in Greece. Not much to do with the quality of ones education.
  97. M

    The college bubble

    I agree that force fed learning kills curiosity in many students, but how many people who go on to major in XYZ, would never have done so if they were not forced to at least experience that subject in school. Sometimes we need to be forced outside of our comfort zone.
  98. M

    The college bubble

    Since this is a quant forum, I can expect a bias toward quant subjects, but it is myopic to think that a university is nothing but a technical school. If you are an engineering student, the majority of your classes will be in your field. In the beginning, students have to take general classes...
  99. M

    The college bubble

    Yeah, because being an engineering robot with no other knowledge or interests is highly desirable when hiring people. lol
  100. M

    The college bubble

    All mechanical watches have +/- issues. Springs fade, movements get our of whack, etc. Timex is far more precise. France is well known for having some of the best mathematics based education. This isn't at you BBW, but more so overall because I think this thread is boiling down to a US vs...
  101. M

    The college bubble

    Nothing is free. You might not pay for a PhD, but everyone else subsidizes it for you. Don't think for one moment that it is free. Foreign students also have to pay full price. Too many Europeans think things are free because the true cost is hidden and obscured. No free lunch.
  102. M

    The college bubble $2,400 a semester/ 5K per year. 20K all in for an UG degree at Baruch, a solid university in NYC where there are countless job opportunities. How is 20K for a 4 year degree expensive? ~$40K for a UCLA...
  103. M

    The college bubble

    Why on earth would a top school give a free MBA to someone? This is not an essential degree. At this level, need is merit based. Canada has a much smaller population than the USA does. They also do not have large scale illegal immigration. Comparing Canadian immigration to the US is far from...
  104. M

    The college bubble

    Europe has a negative birth rate, strong anti immigrant sentiment, wars surrounding its tertiary, countries bankrupt or on the verge and fiscal austerity starring them in the face. I don't think Europe is the ideal to emulate. A utopian society is only great because it is held up by other people...
  105. M

    The college bubble

    I think a couple more points will add some meat to this discussion. 1) Many times when you see super high tuition prices, these will include room, board, a new laptop, insurance, etc. For example, when I went to Syracuse, pure tuition was 30K per year, but the price tag with everything included...
  106. M

    The college bubble

    1) We watched Japan stagnate and learned from this. Their situation is different from ours in a variety of ways. 2) Countries levy and tariff to protect their industries. If you think the US is bad, go look at Europe and China. We are fairly open, even to the point of being detrimental to our...
  107. M

    The college bubble

    1) Yes, there is plenty of red tape in the USA, but Europe has just as many if not more regulation and processes to go through. 2) Comparing low cost education in Europe to high cost education in the USA fails to take into account the endowment system. Most people do not pay the sticker price...
  108. M

    The college bubble

    Thanks man. I appreciate it!
  109. M

    The college bubble

    You will see and are already seeing schools with strong brands set up international schools. That isn't going to do anything for US costs. School in the US (as I am sure in Europe, although maybe to a lesser extent) is about a lot more than just a pure education. It is about networking, alumni...
  110. M

    MSF vs MFE for International Student

    Also, remember this. If you learn a few programming languages on your own and you come into an MSF with a strong math background, I think you could make a good case to be considered along with MFE students. My GF did an MSF with me and had an engineering background and now she works in a quant...
  111. M

    MSF vs MFE for International Student

    Thanks for the compliment Fingirl. Vandy has a great program and you can customize your courses to really focus on what you want. Maybe there might be a middle ground where you can add more stat/math classes to quant-up your MSF. I did not know what was mentioned about about OPT, etc, but it...
  112. M

    MSF vs MFE for International Student

    I think an MSF would be fine in your situation. You have an engineering background and the FRM. With a little work on your own, you could get an MSF and pass as a mini quant. The MSF would position you for banking, trading, risk, etc. Here is the issue. Well two of them. MFE degrees tend to be...
  113. M

    Best books of 2011

    Too big to fail was pretty good. I am reading More money than God, among many things.
  114. M

    MIT MFin Oversubscribed, MIT MFin offers admitted students $8K to defer

    Most students in US MSF programs are undergrads who couldn't find full time work in the area of finance they want.
  115. M

    Why aren't there a lot of girls pursuing a MFE degree?

    I think the better question should be why as so many men in finance. A lot of places are openly hostile and unfriendly at best.
  116. M

    Why aren't there a lot of girls pursuing a MFE degree?

    Honestly, maybe women just aren't that interested in these types of fields. Why are there more women in teaching and nursing? Maybe women are more predisposed to being in careers that involve caring and empathy vs. abstract analytics? If a woman wants to be in the sciences she can basically...
  117. M

    Is an MFE degree worth it?

    Trust me, working at a job you absolutely hate, even if it is well paid, will be utterly miserable. Many jobs sucks, but the odds of working in a living hell job increase whenever you deal with finance. I also think you are discounting yourself too much. 4.o in math from a school a lot of...
  118. M

    The perils of deskwork

    I think I will take my chances in an air conditioned, comfortable, and well paying office job vs. a slightly lower risk of XYZ cancer as a lower paying, grueling career.
  119. M

    MIT MFin Oversubscribed, MIT MFin offers admitted students $8K to defer

    Or you could have your accepted turned into a denied and not have MIT or the money. This is also assuming you land a high paying job, which according to their placement stats they just released, is not 100% guaranteed. I mean an MSF is not necessary to work in finance. I am sure everyone...
  120. M

    MIT MFin Versatility of MIT MFin

    Yeah, I mean MIT has a great brand name and is a top tech school. Add to the fact that you probably have a lot of engineering or math based foreign students who are attracted to the name and you have MFE'ish placements and desires. My girlfriend went to an engineering school in Dubai and did...
  121. M

    MIT MFin Oversubscribed, MIT MFin offers admitted students $8K to defer

    Anyone spending 100K for an MSF can probably do other things for that year. An MSF is a great degree, but most people use it to break into a higher trajectory career. I would take the 8K, work a semi relevant job for a year, bank cash and do the MSF with a better financial position. Personally...
  122. M

    MIT MFin Oversubscribed, MIT MFin offers admitted students $8K to defer

    Wow, that is an ambitious goal. With MIT churning out this many MSF'er I wonder how long before other top brand schools decide to start up programs. If you use MBA finance classes to fulfill MSF requirements, it is basically a pure profit play.
  123. M


    I don't know. The MSCF program at CMU is amazing. For those "in the know", CMU is great. MIT might impress people at the bar, but if you want to get into a hedge fund or a elite trading shop, I think CMU's program might be best. The MIT MSF is going to be something great, but I still think they...
  124. M

    Economic sugar-rush

    Good post. Driving down rates keeps servicing debt cheap. Once rates start climbing it is going to take more money to keep it going. This is either a good motivator to keep rates low for a long time or tighten the belt fiscally. I personally think that the government will simply allow things to...
  125. M

    Native Chinese aspire to leave Wall Street, London and work in China need a reality check

    China is not our enemy. Educating the world has huge benefits for China as well as the USA. We always hope people will stay, but if you do not, you still go back to your home country with a taste and appreciation for this country. The free flow of education and ideas benefits all of us.
  126. M

    Ah, to be a billionaire ...

    I don't think you can point to the BRIC nations and say they are perfect examples of capitalism. There is so much corruption and side dealing that you cannot have true competition or consumer choice. Never have I said the USA is absolutely perfect, but no where at no time have any government...
  127. M

    Ah, to be a billionaire ... "An independent research and media group of progressive writers, scholars and activists committed to curbing the tide of "globalisation" and "disarming" the ..." Ok, so now that we know it is a site for progressive...
  128. M

    Goldman Sachs to lay off close to 2,000

    Yeah, most people don't do more than two years in banking. With that said, GS has a culture that likes to keep analysts for internal associate promotions. I wouldn't look to much into this news. Once you officially work for GS you are golden when it comes to looking for other jobs.
  129. M

    MIT MFin Versatility of MIT MFin

    Go to MIT's MSF if you want to be a banker or trader. I really don't consider it much of a quant role. CMU/Baruch/Rutgers/NYU, etc all do a better job of preparing you to be a quant. When you see MSF or MFin think banking and S&T. MFE is a quant degree.
  130. M

    Job opportunities after MFE vs MS Finance

    A lot goes into placements for the MSF. I don't think it is fair to say one way or another.
  131. M

    Job opportunities after MFE vs MS Finance

    The MSF places primarily into banking. If you are not fluent in English and require sponsorship, you will have a hard time getting into banking. The MSF is also not quant enough for quant roles, so you are essentially in between a rock and a hard spot.
  132. M


    So rape is cool as long as you are an unpopular banker? Wow, thank god that person is an ex-aide. While I agree that WS has done a lot of wrong, I find it dubious to hear people complain about them. Pensions, investors, home owners and home buyers, all loved Wall Street and bankers (commercial...
  133. M

    bank vs start up

    Stock in a start up could be very lucrative. Depending where you are with your career will really add to this decision. I would think that if you are starting out you should lean towards the bank. It is larger, more well known and at this point in your career you really want to get 2-3 years of...
  134. M

    Do US and UK education system produce math geeks?

    Math "geeks" do organically come from the US and UK, but math doesn't have the prominence in the USA and UK (I am assuming) as it does in India/China/Former Soviet states.
  135. M

    A Primer for Success for Women in Investment Banking

    Wait, so she worked at MS for only two years and she is writing a book about the industry? Maybe she worked somewhere else, but if she was only in banking for hardly two years I dont think she is qualified to talk about anything. Where is the book about male nurses and the abuse they suffer...
  136. M

    The economic dynamics of the internet Pretty simple solution lol
  137. M

    I think the Rutgers program is pretty good. If I am correct it is in New Bruswick campus which...

    I think the Rutgers program is pretty good. If I am correct it is in New Bruswick campus which will allow you to get to NYC for interviews and stuff.
  138. M

    Masters in Finance instead of MFE

    An MSF will put you more on the investment banker/PE/ S&T/ F500 track. Most MSF programs incorporate CFA material as well as both academic and applied finance. The MSF wont really set you up for a quant role. MBA is still the go to degree, but it is not really worth it unless you go to a T20...
  139. M

    I know a lot about the MSF and general student profiles, but I am not an adcom so I cant really...

    I know a lot about the MSF and general student profiles, but I am not an adcom so I cant really tell you which will admit you or not. Bentley is a solid option. I would maybe expand it to a few more schools. US schools get a lot of Indian applicants so you need to differentiate yourself. That...
  140. M

    Maryland is an MSF. UNCC is Mathematical Finance. Two very different degrees and career options...

    Maryland is an MSF. UNCC is Mathematical Finance. Two very different degrees and career options. I would wait to find out if you get into the other schools before committing to anything.
  141. M

    Hope for a future democratic China

    I think the Chinese would like Democracy, but the government is running things well enough that the masses don't yearn for it as of yet. The problem with autocratic countries is that they must always make sure the people are generally happy. Once the masses become dissatisfied, the risk of...
  142. M

    "Awkward" situation at work due to my graduate school application...

    Nothing you can do until you are accepted. Don't be swayed. You obviously don't want to leave and if they really valued you they would have treated you right in the first place. Don't burn bridges, leave on a good note and move on to bigger and better things. Hopefully next time they will try...
  143. M

    Maryland is a good school. I don't know too much about the MSF there though. What other schools...

    Maryland is a good school. I don't know too much about the MSF there though. What other schools were you looking at?
  144. M

    Sure. Email me at

    Sure. Email me at
  145. M

    Why a career in private equity?

    Quants work all over. I think getting a flavor of the whole industry is nice. I work in PE and greatly enjoy the atmosphere and work aspects. I would say being able to think outside the box is key. Thanks for posting Andy!
  146. M

    Bloomberg offers Islamic finance platform

    This is great news. Islamic finance is a fast growing area. Good to see Bloomberg getting on board!
  147. M

    Feds settle case of woman fired over Facebook site

    Adjust the privacy settings or shut off your wall. Don't add coworkers to your friends list and don't upload pictures of yourself acting stupid. Pretty simple. I also have no doubt that the government utilizes google and facebook when they want to find information on people. American citizens...
  148. M

    Dumb growth

    Good sources. I still don't get the point. Less than half this country pay Federal tax. We've extended unemployment up to two years. We have free health care for the poor, young and elderly. We have social security for the retired and disabled. We have food stamps, heating subsidies, low cost...
  149. M

    Washington University - St. Louis MSF program update

    Apparently WUSTL is having two tracks, one specifically for quant finance. It used to be more of a quant focused MSF, but not a true quant program. Now they have a pure quant track for this interested in that aspect of finance. I think it is a great thing and will allow for two programs that...
  150. M

    MIT MFin Why so many people apply MIT MS Finance this year?

    Yeah, delaying is a nice way to inflate your employment numbers. With that said, any program with a large amount of international students will have trouble with placement. I think the H1 situation in this country is sad, but unfortunately the economy (especially in the finance sector) is still...
  151. M

    MIT MFin Why so many people apply MIT MS Finance this year?

    I think you will see application really increase once they post their 2nd class placement stats. I know the application stats for a variety of programs and 750+ is not uncommon. Every school I am in touch with has seen a large jump in applications. More the merrier I suppose. MIT is very...
  152. M

    IBM 'Watson' vs Jeopardy Champions

    Should of had that red eye like Hal.
  153. M

    The Economist : Don't do MBA

    Outside of a top 10-20 MBA or a key, regional school, the MBA is a waste of time and a joke. You learn zero. Might as well offer crayons and construction paper for most of the classes.
  154. M

    10 industries in which the US is no longer #1

    People lose their jobs and become re employed elsewhere. That is life and the economic cycle. If you stop outsourcing you will simply see an increase in robotics and automation. People had their head in the sand for too long. This country needs skilled machinists. You don't need a degree to be...
  155. M

    Why Is Wall Street So Addicted to Prestige Colleges?

    Recruiting at an Ivy is an easy way to get qualified applicants. Harvard admissions is a great first screen for the recruiters. They simply do not have the time or resources to go to every school and sort through every resume. I didn't go to a "top" school, but even I support this common sense...
  156. M

    The FCIC report

    Great post. I downloaded the FCIC report, looks interesting. +1
  157. M to charge for viewing next year

    I guess in the UK calling Japanese people "Japs" is still socially acceptable. In the fascist regime of the United States it is borderline racist.
  158. M to charge for viewing next year

    Go read the BBC if you want real news. The NYTimes pukes up an extremely leftist view. We have wars in Africa and floods in Brazil and all you will read about is some film star in rehab or some drivel that politicians are throwing out as of late. NYT is broke because it sucks, plain and...
  159. M

    Jintao on the dollar

    Agree with DC. Africa is extremely important to China and they are involved with some less than ideal allies on that continent. Eventually something will happen which requires boots on the ground. It will be a real eye opener for the Chinese when it happens. I really think all this Chinese...
  160. M

    The US-China summit

    Pat Buchanan: Buchanan was supported in this election run by future Socialist Party USA presidential candidate Brian Moore, who said in 2008 he supported Buchanan in 2000 because "he was for fair trade over free trade. He had some progressive positions that I thought would be helpful to the...
  161. M

    The US-China summit

    Also, counter punch is slightly better than your pure socialist site. "muckraking leftist newsletter..." Clearly biased. And to think people use "Fox News" as a negative term lol.
  162. M

    The US-China summit

    You post links to socialist websites as if they are unbiased and fact. You then bring Pat Buchanan into it as if he is a reputable source. How about I start a discussion on race and quote stormfront and the Aryan nation as my sources? See my point. I don't think socialist websites are valid...
  163. M

    Jintao on the dollar

    I am mobile so forgive my brevity. 1) We completely rebuilt Japan. Same thing with Europe. Japan might not have asked for our base, but Japan and the USA are close partners. We maintain a base, that's it. A lot different from colonial Europe. Our "territory" consists of bases in friendly...
  164. M

    The US-China summit

    So you read socialist websites and follow Pat Buchanan? God dude, could you be reading anything worse? Pat is out of his mind. He is absolutely not credible. Because the USA kicked Indians off their land 200+ years ago we cannot criticize China for 2010 human rights issues? Because...
  165. M

    Jintao on the dollar

    Yes, a base in Japan is the same as a full colony. Makes so much sense. Sure, we twisted their arm. Can we not try and influence something that will hurt us? Did we force Japan to keep the base. Did we threaten military action? Please. Colony means control. So Kissinger in the 70's is...
  166. M

    The US-China summit

    BigBad, listen, we got it, you're a socalist, cool. Posting links from Socialist websites is pretty comical. How about I go to and post articles about sea dragons at the edge of the ocean. Is that supposed to be factual? "The decline in the USA". So funny. I didn't...
  167. M

    Jintao on the dollar

    FYI Dom, try and leave the pompous attitude at home. My analysis was not "parochial" and I find the term rather insulting. You want to attack my stance, fine. Trying to demean my opinion as if I am a twelve year old talking out of my league is not what I come to this site for.
  168. M

    Jintao on the dollar

    Domini, you're a smart guy, but dead wrong on this. 1)The USA could "technically" default, but it is not going to do that. We sometimes use things as leverage. The USA needs to correct things, but we are not near collapse. Not saying it could never happen, but compared to other currencies...
  169. M

    Jintao on the dollar

    1) The USA military is far from collapsing. 2) Countries are buying the dollar because we are transparent and it is safe. 3) The USA has no "empire". The Romans had an empire. We have some bases around the world. The USA has left Iraq. We want to leave Afghanistan. No more countries or states...
  170. M

    Jintao on the dollar

    The world is free to invest in Euros, Yen, Australian Dollars, etc. Whenever their is a crisis, people flock to the USD. Yes, we are coming out of or still in a recession, but we were experiencing what the majority of the world was experiencing. Our debt levels are still not critical and it...
  171. M

    advice on how to find internship opportunities?

    Dial and smile my friend. If the phone isn't your preferred medium, start emailing. Most off cycle internships are unpaid and not always the best, but it is a good way to network and build up your resume. I interned at three places in Philly during my MSF, all from cold emails.
  172. M

    What is going to happen?

    Long BP. They will reinstate their dividend. The legal claims will be less than expected. Oil is still a vital resource. Long Apple. If something happens to Jobs, wait a day or two and buy on the bottom. Iphone, Ipad, Itunes, are all gateway drugs. Apple has had a 5% market share for personal...
  173. M

    Jintao on the dollar

    While I agree that there probably will be a point in time where the USD is not the sole, dominant currency, I think it will always be a safe haven. What does Mr. Jintao suggest to replace the dollar? The Yuan would have to trade freely for it to supplant the dollar. The Euro doesn't look...
  174. M

    Brown, Cornell, MIT are second tier - study by professor

    While I agree that some places are extremely snobby (GS), many places can be cracked with some effective networking. Having HSW is an obvious advantage, but there are many ways to break in. You just need to find the back door.
  175. M

    Is Law School a Losing Game?

    I've read the third tier reality site and it is pretty addicting. I think all things considered, an MFE is cheaper and more useful than 3 years of law school plus trying to pass the bar. People really need to work a little before they start getting into all this student loan debt. I found...
  176. M

    Hackers find new way to cheat on Wall Street -- to everyone's peril

    Very interesting. As technology advances, so do the thieves.
  177. M

    Investment Banking Institute

    Get an online class or something. Every bank has their own templates and you are never asked to model something during an interview. IMO, you would be better off networking and preparing for the interview.
  178. M

    if the career target is to be a trader, MS in FE or MS in Finance?

    A degree in basket weaving from Harvard. MFE will help if you want to be a trader for complex products, but it typically places you into quant roles, not necessarily trading roles. Princeton's MFin will give you a good shot at being a trader. Tulane is solid for energy and general...
  179. M

    2011 Gadgets Wishlist

    Blackberry = Palm Go with an Android. I am waiting to try out a new windows phone.
  180. M

    Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg is Time's 2010 Person of the Year

    I love when other people write books about why I should or shouldn't like something. People obviously enjoy Facebook. I guess that isn't enough. "The last defense of every Facebook addict is: but it helps me keep in contact with people who are far away! Well, e-mail and Skype do that, too...
  181. M

    Happy Holidays to all Quantnet members

    Same to you Andy! Have a great Holiday season and a Happy New Year!
  182. M

    Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg is Time's 2010 Person of the Year

    People hate on FB way too much. No one has to join and even if you do join, you can limit what you put on there. I deleted most of the extraneous content a while ago and just us it to keep in touch with people who have moved around. Yes, email, letters and the phone can do all this, but I...
  183. M

    Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg is Time's 2010 Person of the Year

    So wait, admiring Zuckenberg is bad because it wasn't an altruistic adventure? I wake up everyday and go to work because I am a self interested person, trying to maximize my utility. Thank god I am because all the other people, those who don't work, have children they cannot afford or otherwise...
  184. M

    MIT MFin MIT Master of Finance Employment Statistics?

    Info is spreading like wildfire lol.
  185. M

    Wall St. Computers Read the News, and Trade on It

    One step closer to Cyberdyne becoming self aware...
  186. M

    Boutique Investment Banks

    Some people were bashing it, but I don't think it is an accurate view. A friend of mine works their in Inst Sales. Apparently they focus on shipping and metals and mining. At least that is on the sales side. It is a known name. Others might be better, but it isn't anything to look down on...
  187. M

    Boutique Investment Banks

    PJ has a solid heath care team. I've heard so so things about R&R. Lokey is cool and isn't Haris/Haris a Chicago based bank? These are all fine shows. Obviously not BB's so your experience will be a little more different, but end of the day, you will get experience and be able to flow into...
  188. M

    Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg is Time's 2010 Person of the Year

    Give it to Zuck, he signed up to donate his wealth, his company is the top employer, he site is worth billions and the movie based on him was a hit. Some others might of been worthy challengers, but Julian isn't one of them. Even if you support the leaks the person who deserves the award...
  189. M

    Columbia University MS in Financial Economics

    Yeah, I do not know what to make of the program also. It is MSF-ish enough for me to cover it, but more of a junior PhD program than a graduate level finance degree. I would imagine more will come from the program as it develops. It makes no sense to exclude these people from the MBA resume...
  190. M

    Russian Currency Exchange to open

    Just make sure not to let the Chinese produce any Russian military jets. . . Russia and China getting close. Good for them. Neither currency is ready to supplant the dollar as the worlds reserve currency and until Russia's economy gets stronger the Chinese will still depend on the USA...
  191. M

    Columbia University MS in Financial Economics

    This program was just brought to my attention so I thought I would bring it to all of your attention also. It is a two year program, more of a hybrid MBA/PhD than a MSF or MFE. Still might be of interest for anyone weak in programming, but looking for almost a PhD level of finance knowledge...
  192. M

    How to get people skills (Wall Street personality)?

    How to Win Friends Influence - Dale Carnegie Problem solved. Try and work on being friendly. It will greatly improve your quality of life.
  193. M

    Will clearing CFA help getting admit in MSFE programs?

    If you have no finance background or experience I think the CFA would clear any doubts as to whether you understand the field. CFA is more about fundamental analysis and equity research so it will not be directly relevant to an MFE. Still a widely known and major certification in the...
  194. M

    WikiLeaks to target major U.S. bank next

    Apparently Bradley isn't the only person doing it, but yes, he is being caught. I think an argument could be made that Wikileaks knowingly acquires illegally gotten information and distributes it. Kind of like buying stolen property. Julian is far from an innocent guy posting stuff...
  195. M

    WikiLeaks to target major U.S. bank next

    Nice, I am sure information from a site titled "World Socialist Website" is not going to be biased at all. Get real.
  196. M

    WikiLeaks to target major U.S. bank next

    There was just a post on a SocGen trader being arrested for violating trade secrets. Suppose some trader or hacker broke into the system and sent the code to Julian instead. Who is going to be legally or financially responsible for this criminal act? 9/11 happened for a lot of reasons. One...
  197. M

    Facebook Global M.B.A. degree

    When I drive to NJ from Philadelphia I see billboards for probably 15 MBA programs and schools no one has ever heard of. Can someone say 'over saturated' ?
  198. M

    WikiLeaks to target major U.S. bank next

    Wikileaks isn't a whistle blowing website. It is a site where stolen information is posted without consequence or legal remedy. Just because banks are the new evil enemy in the USA doesn't mean internal documents should be released unless they show criminal misdeeds. Hacking is still a crime...
  199. M

    UK imposes new permanent immigration quota

    Haha listen to some of my other opinions before you make that statement lol.
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