Search results

  1. euroazn

    Occupy Wall St.

    Actually that's not ad hominem, but a reference to the essay, which you would have recognized if you actually read it.
  2. euroazn

    Occupy Wall St.

    He did see the crisis coming; he just doesn't care. His investments are generally ultra-long term. But again - did you actually bother reading that? Because if you did you'll realize you're an egotistical orangutan.
  3. euroazn

    Occupy Wall St.

    Perhaps you'd like to read this excerpt from the great Buffet himself (quoted in this blog post):
  4. euroazn

    Occupy Wall St.

    >expected return >given amount of portfolio risk Just because you had a higher return doesn't mean a) you didn't simply take on more risk and b) didn't simply get lucky. Portfolio theory is simply optimizing your utility from risk/return under your budget constraints, and you clearly don't prove...
  5. euroazn

    Occupy Wall St.

    While I agree with most of your political arguments, this was a fail :(
  6. euroazn

    Occupy Wall St.

    Most of these can be attributed to or are accentuated by the corrupt government though.
  7. euroazn

    Occupy Wall St.

    I'm highly critical of Russia's current state because the government is corrupt. Not much else. Frankly the most important right (in my opinion, of course) is the right to property. Thus the owner's/public's right to property trumps the protestors right to assemble imo
  8. euroazn

    Occupy Wall St.

    It's not the fact that they're hippies, it that there are too many of them for there to be any reasonable amount of free space in the park.
  9. euroazn

    Occupy Wall St.

    They are a subset. That's like saying, this cake is for everyone, and then eating it yourself because you're part of everyone! LOL!
  10. euroazn

    Occupy Wall St.

    It says PUBLIC use, doesn't it, not (solely) protester use. That's just what we're saying; the protesters are essentially being selfish and prohibiting the majority of the public from actually using that resource as IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE USED.
  11. euroazn

    Occupy Wall St.

    Oh, well in that case its even more blatant. They are trespassing on private property, and the owners have every right to kick them out.
  12. euroazn

    Occupy Wall St.

    The key difference here, Alexei, is that burning a flag does not ostensibly lower the quality of life of others. Occupying a public area and essentially prohibiting anyone that wants to use it normally (i.e quiet stroll around a park/walking a dog) is quite different.
  13. euroazn

    Occupy Wall St. She's basically the only truly good looking one :( Like seriously!
  14. euroazn

    Occupy Wall St.

    Have you actually looked at the blog? As one WSO member put it, "Looks like logic isn't the only thing not going for them..."
  15. euroazn

    Learn SQL

    Ah, right, otherwise BETWEEN UNIX_TIMESTAMP( wouldn't even make sense!
  16. euroazn

    Learn SQL

    Doesn't sort by time?
  17. euroazn

    The No Free Deliciousness Principle

    Haha! Wonderful satire of the oversimplification of quant models. Derman is truly a genius.
  18. euroazn

    Help! Undergraduate Quant Interview!

    She's only 19 - so sophomore - so I think she means university research? Or am I wrong and you mean internship?
  19. euroazn

    Background for Stochastic Calculus?

    Don't like proofs? ;)
  20. euroazn

    Occupy Wall St.

    The words "Occupy Wallstreet" or any abbreviation haven't appeared in this thread for a while... wtf.
  21. euroazn

    Occupy Wall St.

    That's messed up. In a free market consumers have a right to not purchase a product. wtf. Although I may suspect some shenanigans; maybe she was causing a ruckus prior.
  22. euroazn

    Occupy Wall St.

    They're just comedians, unfortunately.
  23. euroazn

    RSS data

    /very/ cool I can't believe I never came across NASDAQ's rss feeds...
  24. euroazn

    Dennis Ritchie passed away

    Whoa... RIP
  25. euroazn

    New Quantnet forum software

    Hm, the site is faster for me now!!! :confused: Guess it was just a fluke :)
  26. euroazn

    New Quantnet forum software

    Hey Andy, would the upgrades make Quantnet slower? Pages load a lot slower now for me...
  27. euroazn

    Going back to Undergraduate Math?

    Oh no no no, I'm not implying you don't. I was just ranting again.
  28. euroazn

    Going back to Undergraduate Math?

    I've said this before and I'll say this again, AP doesn't mean shit.
  29. euroazn

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Yep, at least the top programs will. Think about this logically: they have the opportunity to pick only applicants with 170's, so why would they pick a substantial number of 160's?
  30. euroazn

    List of sample questions for Quant Interviews

    Is 21 for real!?! You have to know _all_ of those languages?
  31. euroazn

    how to get an entry-level intern in trading or quant

    Crap I'm only on step 2 :(
  32. euroazn

    7.7 Jane Street Interview Question...Needing Help

    2 Seems pretty simple. We have the following probability distribution: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 40 A starts at the right and keeps going left until his aggregate probability exceeds 50%. Then, if B chooses the next number on the left, B's chance is...
  33. euroazn

    7 Types Of People Who Fail In Finance

    I bet you're not a client-oriented go-getter, are you?
  34. euroazn

    Learn SQL

    I was just at a Technical Job fair the other day here at Carnegie Mellon and Bloomberg was having on the spot interviews. One candidate was asked if he knew SQL, and he replied that he didn't know what that is. You should have seen the look on the poor recruiter's face...
  35. euroazn

    2011-2012 Quantnet Ranking of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    I only have read through a couple of pages in the middle but this is becoming quite disgusting. The points that Baruch may or may not be weighed more favorable are credible given the Baruch presence on this sites (in ads, members, and Andy is an alum himself) but are simultaneously moot. Who...
  36. euroazn

    Hey... that's a great question but I don't think I'm that qualified to answer it. Make a forum...

    Hey... that's a great question but I don't think I'm that qualified to answer it. Make a forum post about it.
  37. euroazn

    Aerospace Engineer To Quantitative Analyst?

    January... May... September... Next post is in December.
  38. euroazn

    Quant finance straight from undergrad?

    Oh, just the actuarial exam? That's probably not a good indicator, since it's meant for actuaries. The MFE is not the MFE we tend to use here on Quantnet, it's just the exam series. The math is of a substantially lower level.
  39. euroazn

    Quant finance straight from undergrad?

  40. euroazn

    Undergraduate Project

    How about calculating various levels of market efficiency? This would probably be more stats though.
  41. euroazn

    Quant finance straight from undergrad?

    Nope. You sure you want to be a quant though? Finance outside of IBD does not imply quant...
  42. euroazn

    Quant finance straight from undergrad?

    What school? And what major?
  43. euroazn

    Working hard at CMU... a combination of finance and proof-based mathematics.

    Working hard at CMU... a combination of finance and proof-based mathematics.
  44. euroazn

    Flattered that I'm considered a good member, haha. And... unless you're sinking in the middle of...

    Flattered that I'm considered a good member, haha. And... unless you're sinking in the middle of the Atlantic, it's only 8:24 ;)
  45. euroazn

    But good eye ;)

    But good eye ;)
  46. euroazn

    Not that much. Most of my comments are tongue-in cheek anyway.

    Not that much. Most of my comments are tongue-in cheek anyway.
  47. euroazn

    SAT verbal question

    There's an entire writing section................................................................. even a two second google search makes that obvious...
  48. euroazn

    SAT verbal question

    It's 100% A. I got a perfect on the grammatical section of the SAT, so if you need more help, feel free to hit me up.
  49. euroazn

    RIP Steve Jobs (1955-2011)

    I'm not sure if you people are kidding but you guys realize that the Enquirer is a joke, right? Regardless, he lived for more than 6 weeks from the February date...
  50. euroazn


    You were in the WTC on 9/11? My family is in DC, they say a few dishes broke and a few books fell of the shelf, but nothing major.
  51. euroazn

    Singapore hedge fund vs Wall Street aspirations

    Listen to alain, he's older and wiser!
  52. euroazn

    Any Equity Researchers on QuantNet

    Precisely, you'll most likely have a case-study for your interview. If you want to learn more I highly reccomend
  53. euroazn

    Quant Noob Here

    I don't think he did O.o
  54. euroazn

    Debt ceiling

    It's not his first time.
  55. euroazn

    Actuarial Work

    To be fair, when I asked this question once on an actuarial forum, I'd get similar answers to Ilya's (namely, that it is a joke), with the exception that they were more content with it.
  56. euroazn

    Any Equity Researchers on QuantNet

    For the interview, fair enough. Just replied to make sure OP knows that ER isn't all that "quantitative" (for lack of a better word.) Although isn't it true that you generally need to make a writing sample for interviews?
  57. euroazn

    Any Equity Researchers on QuantNet

    amanda.jayne Modeling/financial ratio analysis is actually a relatively small part of ER. Even making the reports takes up more time. The majority of the time is good old fashion due-diligence which involves a lot of meeting/calling company representatives.
  58. euroazn

    Thorp - Beat the Market -Anyone doing anything similar?

    Haha, point taken :P The reason that I don't think individual investors use such strategies is that they are more risk-averse and commissions play a larger role in their net profit.
  59. euroazn

    Jane Street OCaml Open Source

    :( Time to hit the books I guess...
  60. euroazn

    Who are you voting for in 2012?

    Absolutely, I'd never vote for her! Why does this have to be so party based? I'm only discussing this based on political philosophy.
  61. euroazn

    Who are you voting for in 2012?

    When the Federal government builds bridges/etc to nowhere, you call that infrastructure investment? Also, our educational investments are going to waste. In the case of my local high school, for example, all the grant money was used to a) make a new stadium and b) buy smart boards for every...
  62. euroazn

    Is it this bad?..the economy

    The video took a long time to render and all I saw at first was a blank page. I thought that was a beautiful metaphor.
  63. euroazn

    Just got my degree! Woo hoo!

    Let me be the first person to say congratulations :P
  64. euroazn

    S&P Downgrade Effects

    Us undergrads are fine ;) We have 4 more years to go :P
  65. euroazn

    Debt ceiling

    Drop by 20%....? You want to cut the military entirely?!?! Are you mad!??!
  66. euroazn

    S&P Downgrade Effects

    Yes. The layman is incompetent. The following is an actual reply I got to one of my facebook statuses: I especially liked "Without the downgrade, our interest rate will never increase" I guess the 80's just never happened.
  67. euroazn

    S&P Downgrade Effects

    Well. It finally happened, the first time since 1917. US Treasuries are at AA+. This has some serious implications. Many funds/companies worldwide have depended on Treasuries as collateral since they are required to use AAA securities; with the downgrade, we're looking at a rapid sell-off. What...
  68. euroazn

    Which Quant Shops Hire Straight Out Of Undergrad?

    Yeah, I was just curious as to what their general policies were since I saw quite a few full time and internship positions from said companies posted on the online career website for my university.
  69. euroazn

    Why did you choose Quantitative Finance?

    I think he means bank account :P
  70. euroazn

    Which Quant Shops Hire Straight Out Of Undergrad?

    The title says it all. I'm particularly curious in NYC non-trading positions (it can be related to trading but not trading positions themselves.) For example, do Two Sigma/DE Shaw/Citadel hire undergrads as quantitative analysts or no? Of course, if you have something to say about...
  71. euroazn

    Debt ceiling

    I for one want to keep my cake. It's understandable if the hungry - those that actually try - get some of my bread, but I don't think the government should have any say in how I allocate my cake. I think that's what capitalism is about. On an related note to the actual thread topic - this is...
  72. euroazn

    Debt ceiling

    I bet you think Pravda is an unbiased source as well...
  73. euroazn

    Debt ceiling

    Alexei, in all fairness, while I'm not saying Khodorkovsky is a flawless man, his prosecution is just a corrupt mess...
  74. euroazn

    College majors

    Then do a full major in applied mathematics. You don't need to take an algebra class, necessarily
  75. euroazn

    College majors

    Definitely the latter, but math is more important than finance. Use the search function next time.
  76. euroazn

    potential theory

    This is _not_ how quant theories are born. First of all, before we head any further, that's not really a potential energy formula. It just happens to be an approximation for gravitational potential energy at the surface of the earth - this begs the question, why arbitrarily pick that? One of...
  77. euroazn

    Debt ceiling

    'Nuff said. Disclaimer: he's being sarcastic.
  78. euroazn

    Best instrument/method for speculation?

    What exactly do you have against leveraging if you're certain that the price will rise?
  79. euroazn

    Deutsche Bank's secret agreement with German's Quant Finance lab

    Nope. In the case of finance, there is a very thin line between academia and commercial research.
  80. euroazn

    New in NYC..

    hoping it's you, huh ;)
  81. euroazn

    Who are you voting for in 2012?

    Sure, supply has to go up in economic growth, but demand should be going up as well, as people's standard of living increases.
  82. euroazn

    Who are you voting for in 2012?

    Lol, in short, we need economic decline! Folks, its simple economics - Economic Growth brings inflation. Of course the dollar is going to decline in purchasing power. So what? As long as people's wages grow as fast, we're fine. And in fact, historically wages have been growing faster. (In 1900...
  83. euroazn

    Who are you voting for in 2012?

    They also do that if you work for... the government. Surprise surprise ;)
  84. euroazn

    Who are you voting for in 2012? Really now... how do you propose to maintain these entitlements? Perhaps we should have a 75% tax on the rich?
  85. euroazn

    Who are you voting for in 2012?

    How about... decrease entitlements. That would help fix the debt problem too. Also, if you're comfortable with the fact that someone is "milking" the system, why can't the rich milk capitalism? Just wondering.
  86. euroazn

    No Windows at Google

    I'm surprised there isn't more linux and less OS X...!
  87. euroazn

    Who are you voting for in 2012?

    I guess you die-hard liberals think that this is ok too:
  88. euroazn

    Who are you voting for in 2012?

    That's ridiculous. Why should he have to pay more than anyone else?
  89. euroazn

    CAIA Question and Answer Thread

    Hello, Ian. Can you give a list of firms that actually require or carry weight on the distinction?
  90. euroazn

    How to improve my English level?

    Try telling them you're Abdel, but that you're going to be a millionaire within 10 years. Out of scientific curiosity, heck, tell them that you're a millionaire now.
  91. euroazn

    List of Facebook and Twitter accounts for MFE programs

    Do they use them effectively? No. Do they still sign up for them? Yes.
  92. euroazn

    List of Facebook and Twitter accounts for MFE programs

    I wonder... with Google+ popping up, will programs also have Google+ pages?!
  93. euroazn

    How to improve my English level?

    Hahahahaha :P
  94. euroazn

    A way to get MS Computer Science for FREE

    Nice find. A gem:
  95. euroazn

    How to improve my English level?

    History Channel doesn't have history anymore, though :( If you want to hear about conspiracy theories or aliens, it's your go-to source, though.
  96. euroazn

    A way to get MS Computer Science for FREE

    And a few month ago, you actually wanted that PhD...
  97. euroazn

    Modelling Electricity Prices

    I'm monitoring this to see if Dibbs succeeds. Good luck!
  98. euroazn

    Salary History

    Same, this is the first I've heard of such a thing.
  99. euroazn

    How to improve my English level?

    Yep, the only way to learn a language is to practice, so put yourself in situations in which you have to communicate. Consider maybe going to trade shows and try to network -that does two things: 1) You network... duh :) 2) You get to practice what seems to be fairly good English Just my $0.02
  100. euroazn

    Who are you voting for in 2012?

    As a clarification though, it would take more pondering on who to vote for in primaries.
  101. euroazn

    Who are you voting for in 2012?

    >Implying Medvedev is not Putin's puppet I could do Romney 2012
  102. euroazn

    Looking Busy

    I did this before... of course for completely different reasons :p That being said, most people can access Outlook out-of-office so it's not particularly useful for looking busy.
  103. euroazn

    Looking Busy

    Laughing... so... hard.
  104. euroazn

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Yeah, you need 800 quant.
  105. euroazn

    Google+ is really awesome.

    Google+ is better than twitter, but I think Facebook is better for social networking.
  106. euroazn

    Where do you stand politically?

    Well, that's why you're liberal and I'm not ;)
  107. euroazn

    Where do you stand politically?

    Alexei Smirnov I believe the purpose of government is to help protect our fundamental rights - but of course that begs the question what our rights are. I believe everyone agrees with this view but disagree on what rights are worth protecting/are rights at all.
  108. euroazn

    Where do you stand politically?

    To add on to that, sneakers, TV dinners, modern mattresses have stemmed off of NASA research which is a child of the Cold War. The Depression ended because of World War II. Not that I'm a war-mongler, it's just that Anthony brings up a good point.
  109. euroazn

    Where do you stand politically?

    Ok, I know why government exists. But in our non-ideal real world, it doesn't work that way - that is, it fulfills its overall role awfully poorly. Shouldn't we look to the reality rather than hypothetical?
  110. euroazn

    Where do you stand politically?

    I agree. If government was perfect, I would be all for it. However, just think about your arguments for a second. The rich are greedy right, because they're powerful? Shouldn't the same principle apply to a government with too much power?
  111. euroazn

    Best use of my year

    I'm not trying to be mean here, but your major was non-technical and you did poorly in it. Are you sure you want to do an MFE?
  112. euroazn

    Where do you stand politically?

    This is NY? I was under the impression that this is the internet good sir...
  113. euroazn

    Where do you stand politically?

    There's absolutely nothing wrong with charity - I believe those who are well off should support their communities, and as an example most billionaires support or create their own foundations for the common good. These work far more effectively than government, which tends to look like this...
  114. euroazn

    Where do you stand politically?

    Implying that economic freedom is morally wrong? Shame on me for not wanting to give away my hard earned living!
  115. euroazn

    Where do you stand politically?

    Considering most people here are working or aspiring to work in the financial industry, I'm surprised there aren't more right-libertarians rather than left libertarians.
  116. euroazn

    Where do you stand politically?

    I agree, but can a government truly make any better decision?
  117. euroazn

    Where do you stand politically?

    Just out of curiosity... what is the average quantnet-er's stance politically? This website does a pretty good assesment. I'm a right-libertarian. And you, Quantnet?
  118. euroazn

    Anonymity on the Web

    First of all, I didn't ask, what's your opinion on .onion sites (although there are many others of interest, that can't be accessed through the surface of the darknet, i.e the hidden wiki.) TOR can be used as a proxy to the surface-web as well, and provides near perfect anonymity (at Dialup...
  119. euroazn

    Anonymity on the Web

    What's everyone's opinion on TOR?
  120. euroazn

    Desk went under, looking for next gig.

    But it would be fun, just like college! :p
  121. euroazn

    Double-Major B.S in Math & Finance?

    You do understand that my reply was completely serious, right?
  122. euroazn

    Wall Street new round of layoff

    I can agree to that. I'd understand if crime rates go up with a declining economy. But I haven't seen any indication of rebellion-like activity going on either.
  123. euroazn

    Double-Major B.S in Math & Finance?

    Oh no, another unliked post! Can't you see the ratio dropping before your very eyes?!
  124. euroazn

    Wall Street new round of layoff

    Sure, but you can't really say if it is deviating from the norm unless you used to do this in the past.
  125. euroazn

    Wall Street new round of layoff

    LOL! Sure. The economy is bad. I'm not denying that. But to say that the US/World is entering a state of chaos is too much. And I'm the troll.
  126. euroazn

    Wall Street new round of layoff

    According to you, there's an increase in crime rate. Do you have sources for that claim?
  127. euroazn

    Wall Street new round of layoff

    Would you care to show actual quantitative data, instead of just re-iterating your speculations?
  128. euroazn

    Desk went under, looking for next gig.

    Good luck! Just out of curiosity though, why'd you choose to live in the loop? Could have saved money by living just a bit farther out from the center.
  129. euroazn

    Double-Major B.S in Math & Finance?

    That's just pathetic...
  130. euroazn

    Wall Street new round of layoff

    Agreed heartily.
  131. euroazn

    Wall Street new round of layoff

    Flash mobs aren't necessarily violent or bad though..! And there's always outrageous stories on the news. If it wasn't so, it wouldn't be news, now would it?
  132. euroazn

    MFE Programs Transparency Project

    So... how are you going to get non-biased input again? :confused: Quantnet isn't exactly a simple-random-sample. You'd have to go on-campus or something... Anyhow, Andy, as always, I applaud your efforts! Hopefully this will provide the data students need to make better decisions.
  133. euroazn

    Agile Practices and Micromanagement

    I feel your pain ;)
  134. euroazn

    Wall Street Woos Military Veterans

    Of course, but it is good for everyone. Veterans are pretty good candidates for the grueling hours and hard work... it's fair to say they had their fair share of experience overseas!
  135. euroazn

    .NET Importance in Quantitative Finance

    THIS in .NET 3.5 VSTO add-ins were a tad bit more complicated as everything had to be done manually and you had to build the .xmls yourself... now, making plug-ins is "so easy a caveman can do it" ;)
  136. euroazn

    Dark Secrets of 'Prestigious' Programs: Caveat Emptor

    Ah! Perhaps he isn't then? He denies accs to his profile page (grr!) but that didn't stop me for searching for posts by member, which led me here: Another Baruch thread. He seems to be a Baruch alum?
  137. euroazn

    Dark Secrets of 'Prestigious' Programs: Caveat Emptor

    Yes see, back on topic! I googled the masters of engineering as well, but, as it seems through Andy's IP tracking... OP was a columbia student? And @Alexei Smirnov, that's not Leroy for sure.
  138. euroazn

    Dark Secrets of 'Prestigious' Programs: Caveat Emptor

    I myself only know of one duplicated account and that member uses it for privacy reasons, which I feel is acceptable. Have people constantly been abusing multiple identities? News to me :\ Of course, if they use proxies, we'd never even know...
  139. euroazn

    Dark Secrets of 'Prestigious' Programs: Caveat Emptor

    Despite the feeling that this is a troll post, I want to figure this out. What program has an Engineering degree, as opposed to an MS? Ily is probably one of the Ilya's, not sure which one.
  140. euroazn

    Early results for quant pay survey, Quant Developers across America

    The survey is for quant *developers* so it's not that surprising. Also, @DominiConnor, the first "16" should be a "160" ;)
  141. euroazn

    Customized Excel

    This is true, and is also true if you develop excel add-ins/plug-ins/etc. The ribbon really changed things.
  142. euroazn

    Customized Excel

    Off all the millions of reasons to hate VBA, you pick this!?!?
  143. euroazn

    Customized Excel

    @alain, I am also curious to why you dislike excel - although I can completely understand why you hate VBA, haha.
  144. euroazn

    Bill Gates: Why MIT Matters

    In Bill's defence... he's writing in time for the MIT 150th anniversary celebration...
  145. euroazn

    "What salary do you require?"

    Andy, are you implying that a sample size of one is not statistically significant!? What kind of quant witchcraft is this!?!
  146. euroazn

    Customized Excel

    Who needs excel when you have HP-12C and a notepad????
  147. euroazn

    Leroy_Williams, where have you gone?

    How about you western union me 5 dollars and if I lose I'll send you 10.
  148. euroazn

    Leroy_Williams, where have you gone?

    5 bucks says same poster or strongly affiliated.
  149. euroazn

    Customized Excel

    You know you can make Excel do whatever you want, right? In fact, that was my job last summer... familiarize yourself with the VSTO libary in .NET and enjoy :)
  150. euroazn

    Developing this summer. C# again!

    Developing this summer. C# again!
  151. euroazn

    India's educational system

    Implying software companies need to make their own OS to be innovative... what? Folks, stop feeding the troll and let this thread die on its own. Let rishab dhar, who will surely respond, be the last post. /out
  152. euroazn

    India's educational system

    Guys. What this thread says: Corruption exists. Ok.
  153. euroazn

    Some Recruiting Agents Exploit Chinese Students

    Biking to school? Fancy. My parents had to walk to their University in the Russian snow... :P Well said Dominic.
  154. euroazn

    NROTC to PHD

    He said "after my time in the marines", so yes, service is basically mandatory.
  155. euroazn

    Statistically happy quants, mostly, except maybe model validation

    @DominiConnor Actuaries are a type of quant? They both use math/stats, I suppose, but I've always seem them as distinct.
  156. euroazn

    QuantNet for Android

    This link should prove useful :) (Maybe :p) EDIT: Actually this might be even better (since it's more recent): DISCLAIMER: I haven't...
  157. euroazn

    Guy tattooed Gaussian Copula formula on his arm

    Haha, I think that is open to debate ;)
  158. euroazn

    Guy tattooed Gaussian Copula formula on his arm

    Seems like a removable tattoo... lame.
  159. euroazn

    QuantNet for Android

    @Andy Nguyen, have you tried using emulators for testing?
  160. euroazn

    The college bubble

    From Wow.
  161. euroazn

    The college bubble

    Notably, the featured schools are University of Pheonix, Strayer, and Capella. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... :rolleyes:
  162. euroazn

    The college bubble

    A Maryland school, I'd prefer to keep the specific school anonymous though. If you really want to know you can PM me.
  163. euroazn

    The college bubble

    At my public high school, almost everyone goes to college, with maybe one half going to our state flagship/comparable and the other half going to various top schools. The private schools in our area don't nearly perform as well and I don't know that many people _from the area_ who actually...
  164. euroazn


    You admitted that both aren't so good with career services. So why do you want the masters at all? Seems like a waste of money to me. Get work experience, apply again to better schools, imo.
  165. euroazn

    business climate proxies?

    All I'm saying is that a proxy that measures the sentiments of a herd of sheep doesn't neccesarilly measure the health of business, and disregarding things as "outliers" can often have very bad effects. Any reason you're not using GDP? EDIT: Ah, I see you want monthly. Unfortunately, there is...
  166. euroazn

    business climate proxies?

    You should read the Black Swan.
  167. euroazn

    business climate proxies?

    Guys, the stock market is not a good proxy. what about the crash in 87? It had no underlying business issue causing it. As an aside, I think proxies are pretty hard to find because many prices in the real world are "sticky."
  168. euroazn

    Advice on Career/School Choice

    Go for the job if you can. Is UCLA cheaper for you?
  169. euroazn

    COMPARE TOP 3 MFE programs in terms of Placement?

    Yeah, those programs are great but I suspect the ones Joy listed are better in terms of placement...
  170. euroazn

    SQL interraction with VS

    Doesn't seem appropriate, imo.
  171. euroazn


    Yep, that was clever, I didn't consider that.
  172. euroazn

    Is quant as a trade facing diminishing demands?

    I'd say I'm pretty calm about it, I just found that madly hilarious.
  173. euroazn

    Is quant as a trade facing diminishing demands?

    You can do more than prop trading as a quant....? EDIT: For all those who didn't understand, this is an affirmative, not a question.
  174. euroazn

    Is quant as a trade facing diminishing demands?

    Quant = (only) prop trading ??? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
  175. euroazn


    @peterruse That's the answer :P
  176. euroazn

    Help Me Choose Where To Go For Undergrad

    Agreed ;) Notably, only the last one is above the original topic...
  177. euroazn

    How many programmers are on Quantnet?

    Surely you jest...
  178. euroazn

    Convert xml file to a database table...any hints

    Trust me, this is the way to go.
  179. euroazn

    renting a flat in NYC

    "My our lease"!?!? sounds shady :P
  180. euroazn

    renting a flat in NYC

    In that case, after clicking the link, bump up the price range so the average is about 1750. ;)
  181. euroazn

    renting a flat in NYC

    You can get some decent studios for about 1500 a month in the Upper East side (see: But what's your budget :)
  182. euroazn

    SQL interraction with VS

    It is almost always bad, I agree. What's worse is when the stored procs are labeled incorrectly and the current DBA's don't know what they do... =_= That being said, there are a few instances when they are quasi-neccessary. However, they should be very simple - there's no need for a...
  183. euroazn

    SQL interraction with VS

    Agree with nieslb. In fact, my last internship precisely required SQL calls from VS (I used C#, but obviously it doesn't really matter.) I found that it was optimal to calculate stuff in the C# program and let the SQL calls just find data.
  184. euroazn

    Rumor: Windows 8 Set for September Reveal

    Microsoft makes fantastic Operating Systems... why, just the other day, I was using their latest good OS, DOS!
  185. euroazn

    How an undergraduate math exam in the US looks like?

    Well yeah. That's standard calc stuff. What's the issue?
  186. euroazn

    How an undergraduate math exam in the US looks like?

    I don't think it's too long. Of 8 questions, 2 are complete jokes, so you have about 20 minutes a question. The timing is fine. @darth might be too "optimistic" though ;)
  187. euroazn

    How an undergraduate math exam in the US looks like?

    Alright, I just skimmed through it, and I didn't notice the fourier analysis. The vector analysis should still be fairly easy though.
  188. euroazn

    Needs help on intern hunting, thanks!

    Go to WSO ( and search for CapIQ request threads. There are threads with lists of IBanks and HFunds by region. Of course, they don't designate whether they provide interships. That would be fairly unreasonable...
  189. euroazn

    How an undergraduate math exam in the US looks like?

    Wait, are you saying this exam is really hard? If so, you probably shouldn't be a quant... this is an easy exam.
  190. euroazn

    Needs help on intern hunting, thanks!

    You are joking, right?
  191. euroazn

    Quants love poker?

    Real quants love Dungeons and Dragons.
  192. euroazn

    Quant Internship Interview Questions

    Or... you could do 2*(1+6)/2 = 7, since all the probabilities for one die are the same... and then it's the expected value of a sum of independent variables :)
  193. euroazn

    Why you should cry for the intelligence of the human Race.

    Agree with everything except for "high-school maths". It's elementary school math, which makes the egregious error even worse!
  194. euroazn

    Random funny pics

    Andy that isn't your son is it? :P
  195. euroazn

    Why you should cry for the intelligence of the human Race.

    I agree there are more pressing things, but the sad part is that it's spread across the internet!!!
  196. euroazn

    Are quant jobs fast paced?

    Thanks for protecting the country, mate.
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