Leroy_Williams, where have you gone?

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Leroy_Williams, where have you gone?

You cannot just leave, when so many of us have your attention. You must be clearer. You must tell us more. Please Leroy.

The Greeks had a tale for this. They called him Laocoön, the Trojan Priest, who saw what was really going on. He saw the Wooden Horse for what it was. But what did he do? He just raved in tongues, so Virgilio tells us:

Equo ne credite, Teucri
Quidquid id est
timeo Danaos et dona ferentes

"Do not trust the Horse, Trojans
Whatever it is,
I fear the Greeks even bearing gifts"

They called him insane. They called him an imposter. They called him embittered and rejected, forlorn of Poseidon's favor.

O How they must have laughed!

The Wooden Horse went inside. But he was left outside. And not safe outside, Athena, furious, sent the sea snake to deal with him.

All he had to say was:

"Don't take that Wooden Horse inside, Fellow Trojans!
It's hollow, and there are armed Greek soldiers hiding inside!"

They would have understood! It would have been clear! They would have gotten it, had he been precise, to the point.

Please Leroy....we beg you. Please.....tell us more. What must we fear?

For you Leroy,
From Muse,
To inspire you.


"Time Is Running Out"

I think I'm drowning
I wanna break this spell
That you've created

You're something beautiful
A contradiction
I wanna play the game
I want the friction

You will be the death of me
You will be the death of me

Bury it
I won't let you bury it
I won't let you smother it
I won't let you murder it

Our time is running out
Our time is running out
You can't push it underground
You can't stop it screaming out

I wanted freedom
Bound and restricted
I tried to give you up
But I'm addicted

Now that you know I'm trapped sense of elation
You'd never dream of
Breaking this fixation

You will squeeze the life out of me

Bury it
I won't let you bury it
I won't let you smother it
I won't let you murder it

Our time is running out
Our time is running out
You can't push it underground
You can't stop it screaming out
How did it come to this?

You will suck the life out of me

Bury it
I won't let you bury it
I won't let you smother it
I won't let you murder it

Our time is running out
Our time is running out
You can't push it underground
You can't stop it screaming out
How did it come to this?
You're on!

Can you paypal Andy the money, and he can pass it on to me?
How about you western union me 5 dollars and if I lose I'll send you 10.

If you're going to bet, bet properly!

Besides...I am very seriously worried about Leroy. He won't be the first dissident to have "disappeared"....

We should have a vigil for him next Tuesday on the 2-week anniversary of his disappearance? We can't let him "disappear" with his revealing review still not published (or at least acknowledged by him that what was shown was not undoctored)....
Leroy, where are you? I am beginning to grow worried -- you have disappeared like a blogger in China! Don't you worry, I know you're not deranged like they say you are, and I am still awaiting your official review with bated breath. Speaking of which, where in bloody hell is it?!!

I'd love to chat with you sometime ... but do not know how to contact you. How come you're not on facebook?? If you are reading this, please shoot me an email at boyboyboygirls@yahoo.com. I am a prospective Baruch MFE pre-student, am trying so hard to save enough money so I can afford to attend an MFE program, and would love to get as many unbiased points of view as humanly possible.

I feel that you a real thoroughbred of an individual ... as level-headed as they come. I truly wish I had been a member of QN prior to your Banning, so that I could have communicated with you more readily.

I would like to close this with a dedication ...

Andy, it is a mistake to merge the two threads, since we are separate people. @lordvid, i humbly apologize on behalf of Andy if this association has in any way offended you.

please diverge these threads to their natural habitats.
Andy, it is a mistake to merge the two threads, since we are separate people.
Threads are merged when they are exactly the same subject and/or title. You did not help yourself when creating another "Leroy. where are you?" thread.
This topic is nothing but a troll bait judging from the responses so far. Closed.
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