Search results

  1. Theory vs Application.

    Assuming I know for sure I want to be a quant developer. What are more important extra courses, the math or the programming skills (e.g. real-time and parallel/distributed techniques). I'm asking because I want to take electives in software classes because I feel PhD's will develop the...
  2. Software Engineer vs Computer Engineer

    Hello, I'm an engineering student at a Canadian university studying software engineering. The program requirements are the same as that for a computer engineering major until my final year when I do a software project and extra cs & se courses. I see my self doing some form of computational...
  3. What is the future?

    What is the future of finance? Does anybody foresee any drastic changes, good and bad? Death of traders or of 'black box' investing/hedge funds. Maybe some sort of regularization of certain markets? A boom in certain areas?