Search results

  1. emil

    Anyone NYC member playing tennis?

    Saturday looks sunny enough. We should meet there one hour earlier and buy tickets on the spot. It shouldn't be a problem for Grounds Admission Tickets.
  2. emil

    Anyone NYC member playing tennis?

    Either through USTA or where I see the US Open Grounds Admission Tickets available with description: GROUNDS ADMISSION (GA) PASS ONLY **TICKET ALLOWS ACCESS TO THE GROUNDS OF **THE NATIONAL TENNIS CENTER INCL. **ALL COURT AND STADIUM...
  3. emil

    Anyone NYC member playing tennis?

    I play once in a while like an amateur ... Let's watch the pros first at US Open, for Labor Day, on Monday 09/05/2011 in Flushing, Queens. They sell All Day Access tickets and we can watch multiple games throughout Billie Jean King National Tennis Center and have a drink in between. (hopping for...
  4. emil

    Even though is part of the HW10 thread, it is not a homework. We finished with the homeworks...

    Even though is part of the HW10 thread, it is not a homework. We finished with the homeworks. This is the simulation part which he mentioned at the beginning of the semester and represents 10% of the final grade. It is required.
  5. emil

    NYC Drinks - QuantNet meet up?

    We should first get a tournament framework accepted. What about: mind game+individual sport+team sport?
  6. emil

    NYC Drinks - QuantNet meet up?

    Table tennis, badminton are olympic sports. Looks like Chess is not.
  7. emil

    NYC Drinks - QuantNet meet up?

    I'm in for a basketball tournament. Maybe we should call it Quantnet/MFE Olympics, but with different sports each year. First year: chess, table tennis & basketball. Another year can be another mind game, badminton & soccer.
  8. emil

    two twos

    sqrt use should be ok since only
  9. emil

    Happy New Year Quantneters!

    Un an nou fericit! La Multi Ani 2011!!
  10. emil

    3-D TV going main stream?

    Now I realize the benefits of a 3-D TV :) ... otherwise I think that 3-D represents the future of cinema.
  11. emil

    Christmas and New Year Wishes

    Happy Holidays to all quantnetters!
  12. emil

    Texas A&M Foreign Currency Trading Competition

    The final individual results are attached.
  13. emil

    Texas A&M Foreign Currency Trading Competition

    RoR = 59.32% At least last night, when I was still able to access the system, this was my standing: Cash: 69,806.58 UPL: 9,857.50 Floating P/L: 0.00 Equity: 79,664.08 Margin: 0.00 Avail. Eq.: 79,664.08 Though, I think I might have not respected the "Maximum of 8 contracts per currency...
  14. emil

    Texas A&M Foreign Currency Trading Competition

    Buying low & Selling high on EUR/USD got me into this state :): Cash: 60,060.39 UPL: 5,618.21 Floating P/L: 0.00 Equity: 65,678.60 Margin: 0.00 Avail. Eq.: 65,678.60 Used the protection on Limit to close a particular trade.
  15. emil

    on-line resources available for Microsoft Office.

    Here is a nice website that provides step by step tutorials on Excel, Word ... and also Shortcut Keys :):
  16. emil

    Texas A&M Foreign Currency Trading Competition

    Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno They just thanked me for registering. ;)
  17. emil

    2008 Baruch College

  18. emil

    2009 Baruch College

  19. emil

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Choose the Army’s IT Department and try to work on the applications that serve the Finance department. You might do mostly accounting stuff, still good to see if you can understand finance. During the army take an MSc in Applied Mathematics and do well. Read finance. After that, if you...
  20. emil

    2009 Baruch College - Accepted

  21. emil

    2009 Baruch College - Interview

  22. emil

    2009 Baruch College - Pending

  23. emil

    Baruch MFE Application question

    I know that if you submit this year's application you will be able to reactivate it next year. Just remember to call the Graduate Admissions Office in the fall and let them know your intention.
  24. emil

    Financial Modeler's Manifesto

    Another excerpt: "Simple clear models with explicit assumptions about small numbers of variables are ... the best way to leverage your intuition without deluding yourself."
  25. emil


    Yes, I want. I'm interested in the VaR calculation, for OTCs.
  26. emil

    Quantitative Interview questions and answers

    I was not wrong, just incomplete. Good luck! to you, too.
  27. emil

    Quantitative Interview questions and answers

    I didn't know the exact solution from the beginning, but, there is nothing wrong with having two approaches that, in the end, reach the same conclusion.
  28. emil

    Quantitative Interview questions and answers

    (x\in(\frac{(2*k)\pi}{2^n},\frac{(2*k+1)\pi}{2^n})-\{\frac{1}{2^n}\frac{(2*k+1)\pi}{2}\}) for (\forall k,n\in N) can imply that for any n and a certain k, natural numbers, a unique x exists if the intersection of these sets (for each n) is not the empty set. But, it is.
  29. emil

    Quantitative Interview questions and answers

    (sin(2^n*x)>0 \Longleftrightarrow (2*k)\pi<2^n*x<(2*k+1)\pi \Longleftrightarrow \frac{(2*k)\pi}{2^n}<x<\frac{(2*k+1)\pi}{2^n}). Remove the (2^n*x = (2*k)\pi/2) values for which (cos(2^n*x)=0 \Longrightarrow x\in(\frac{(2*k)\pi}{2^n},\frac{(2*k+1)\pi}{2^n})-\{\frac{1}{2^n}\frac{(2*k+1)\pi}{2}\})...
  30. emil

    Quantitative Interview questions and answers

    You are right. The square root must be positive. So, the constraint (\sin(2^n * x)\neq 0) should, actually, be (sin(2^n * x) > 0)
  31. emil

    Quantitative Interview questions and answers

    The equlality is true for (\forall x \in R) such that: (\sin(2^n*x)\neq 0, \cos(2^n*x)\neq 0, \forall n\in N) By using the following identity: (\sin(x)^2=\frac{1}{2} - \frac{1}{2}*cos(2x) \\) (ID) Squaring left/right sides, the equality can be transformed as follows...
  32. emil

    Personal Statement

    I think the guidelines are specified very clear in the Application Process section of the Masters in Financial Engineering (MFE) - Baruch College : - Why are you interested in Financial Engineering? - Why do you want to study in the Financial Engineering MS Program at Baruch...
  33. emil

    Resources for math self-study

    Check this website for some good free tutorials/courses in Calculus, Diff Eqs, Linear Algebra:
  34. emil

    The Bailout Plan

    Expanded Bailout Package Passed By Senate with 74 to 25 Apart from the Troubled Assets Relief Program, the bill passed by the Senate also includes: Extensions of the AMT patch, tax deductions on state and local sales taxes, tuition, teacher expenses and real property taxes and tax credits for...
  35. emil

    Export Lotus email

    Yep, you're right ... I didn't see that weird behaviour.
  36. emil

    Export Lotus email

    I found this link: Experts Introduction on their Community Support Help Page: Experts Exchange Help
  37. emil

    Export Lotus email

    In general if you go to an experts exchange page through google, the answers are always hiding way at the bottom of the page. (probably so the site is searchable; don't know why they don't hide it from user agents that aren't search engines...) If you have set an automatic Login ( the...
  38. emil

    Export Lotus email

    Create an account on Experts Exchange and check for solutions. Here is one: Exporting Lotus Notes Address Book : lotus, notes, address, book, export
  39. emil

    Lehman Merrill Lynch AIG Fannie Freddie WaMu Madoff Citibank saga

    May be the japanese from Nomura will get them the money back: Nomura to Buy Lehman Europe Business: Report -
  40. emil

    QuantNet Picnic In Central Park on Sat 9/20

    I can help unloading the provisions and bring some snacks and backgamon/chess games.
  41. emil

    Quantitative Interview questions and answers

    Is this a quantitative question? Anyway, the triangles BEC and AKE obtained after folding the paper, are similar. BC is obtained by solving a system of 3 equations with two unknowns x, BC: (\frac{x}{m}=\frac{p}{w-x}=\frac{BC-p}{sqrt(m^2+(w-x)^2)}) Please see attached.
  42. emil

    QuantNet Picnic In Central Park on Sat 9/20

    I can rent a car and help you move the items. I live in Queens, close to the City.
  43. emil

    So I just took a practice GRE exam

    no calculators and be sure you practice using no more than 2 pencils/test, it's a pain if you are use to pen.
  44. emil

    Quantitative Interview questions and answers

    I think that the formula should be: (\frac{n!}{(n-k)!} * (n-k)^{k-1})
  45. emil

    So I just took a practice GRE exam

    MyGreTutor has a lot of free tutorials, practice questions and a vocabulary tutor. But, they offer only one free CAT and you have to pay $5.99 for additional 4. MyGRETutor :: GRE practice tests, practice questions, tutorials and vocabulary
  46. emil

    Quantitative Interview questions and answers

    14) What comes next in the following sequence ? 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11,... I was thinking at 13, too, by applying n = Floor{[(n-1)+(n+1)]/2} rule to each number. But, 1 denies it. Hint: Has to do with the spelling of each number. :)
  47. emil

    SQL grouping Question

    You have to add a record counter and use it to create groups of 30k records: First, create a counter field in a Query on w_household_d table, assuming row_wid is unique: myQuery: SELECT (SELECT COUNT(row_wid) FROM w_household_d AS a1 WHERE a1.row_wid<= a2.row_wid) AS [counter], a2.*...
  48. emil

    Chicago MSFM What type of stats would you need for UChicago MSFM

    In general, when entering a MFE program, is good to have knowledge of elementary statistics like: Regression, Confidence intervals, Hypothesis testing; also, a basic understanding of stochastic processes (Markov chain).
  49. emil

    Paul & Dominic's Guide to Quant Careers Version 2.0 Now Available

    Hi Dominic, I've just sent you a copy of my resume and I'm hopping to receive the Guide to Quant Careers. Thank you, Emil
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