Export Lotus email

Anyone has any experience in exporting Lotus Notes data (email, attachment, contacts, etc) to a file which you can later import to a different email client?
Any specific software? I have googled a bit and tried a few demo software but none seems to work.
You need to create an account there?

I thought everything was available if you google it. :)
I loath that site. What's with the $12.95/month fee to post and search IT problems?
The demo software I use will try to locate .nsf file and scan email it exports. The problem is that .nsf is on a Lotus server which you can't browse to.
Maybe there is some easy export function in Lotus somewhere I'm unaware of. Lotus for email is very uncool.
Cool. Google cache saves the day.
I tried out the solution at the bottom. Unfortunately my email profile does not have the permission to perform this. Guess I have to extract the individual emails manually. lots of fun.

Download the Sandbox ntf file here Sandbox - Personal NAB Import / Export Utility
Here's what I did. I just downloaded the .NTF file to a specific location. Opened my Notes thick client. Opened the .ntf file as if opening any database in Notes. (ie. *v5.09a* File-Database-Open, in the "Choose a Database or Template File" dialog box change the file type to Notes Template Files, double click the pnabexprev.ntf) When the file opens it will probably be a black background with a few options to select.
1. Import/Export/Resort PNAB (of course you choose export to export.)
2. Output Type. (the three options under this are MS Access, MS Excel, and MS Outlook)
3. Personal Name and Addressbook File (choose the PNAB file to export)

Once opened, everything should be self explanatory. Export it and then open up MS Outlook Express, File-Import. Now here's a round about way I'm guessing you would do for version 6 (I didn't use this for OE but for Outlook 2003) I guess you would choose Exchange Personal Address Book after using the utility to export from Notes and choosing the MS Outlook option. It will prompt you for which Outlook profile to use, then commence to exporting. That's of course if you have outlook installed. If not another round-about way is to either export choosing the Access or Excel options, then in either programs export data to a CSV. Then in OE just choose File-import-Other Address Book-CSV. Hope this helps. -Nate!
In general if you go to an experts exchange page through google, the answers are always hiding way at the bottom of the page. (probably so the site is searchable; don't know why they don't hide it from user agents that aren't search engines...)
In general if you go to an experts exchange page through google, the answers are always hiding way at the bottom of the page. (probably so the site is searchable; don't know why they don't hide it from user agents that aren't search engines...)

If you have set an automatic Login ( the "Remember Me" option checked when you login) the next time you google and click on a solution from ExpertsExchange you will be able to view the solution. Using the free account.
If you have set an automatic Login ( the "Remember Me" option checked when you login) the next time you google and click on a solution from ExpertsExchange you will be able to view the solution. Using the free account.

That's not true. I have never registered on that site. I just search google, click on a link to experts exchange, and I can read the entire thread just by scrolling to the bottom of the page. Go and try it.

That's not true. I have never registered on that site. I just search google, click on a link to experts exchange, and I can read the entire thread just by scrolling to the bottom of the page. Go and try it.


Yep, you're right ... I didn't see that weird behaviour.
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