Search results

  1. Early results for quant pay survey, Quant Developers across America

    I didn't know about California being a financial hub; not that I've looked a lot but I almost never saw job offers out of NYC, Chicago, Toronto yet! Do you mind sharing the percentage of people coming from California who answered?
  2. Acceptance Rates for MFE programs

    By the way the "at least 3 others" turns out to be 4 guys in my university who declined Princeton's offer. I'm not saying they're lying. It simply looks weird to me that among the 7 who got accepted but didn't go, I know 4...
  3. Acceptance Rates for MFE programs

    One is going to Stanford, the two others are going to Ecole des Mines de Paris on a very selective program only the 16-18 best ranked students (over 400) can attend.
  4. Acceptance Rates for MFE programs

    In my university, one guy is going to Princeton and at least 3 others had an offer and refused it. Even though it can be right, the 81% yield looks abnormally high to my opinion.
  5. NYU MSMF Anyone still waiting for NYU MSMF?

    I agree with Andy. When you take too many students from the same country, they form small communities, don't interact with other students and still speak at the end of the two years they spent in the US a bad English. It is bad for the class and for themselves. If there were too many French...
  6. French MFE Programs

    It is Swiss, not French. The best MFE in Switzerland comes from ETH (Einstein was there) and is extremely popular. In France, there is the Master in Quantitative Economics and Finance offered by Ecole Polytechnique and HEC Paris; even if they have a course on asset pricing in the derivative...
  7. French MFE Programs

    The master El Karoui has a very strong mathematical content, stronger than any of the US master programs. It provides an easy access to the City if you're looking for quant jobs and also to the French banks whether their offices are located in the US, Asia or Europe. Like in every French...
  8. So, what's more now?

    In my university, lots of students got admitted to very top notch programs with 800Q and often between 500-600V. I doubt your verbal score is very relevant - unless you got a very bad one - since it does not even measure your communication skills but your knowledge of sophisticated vocabulary...
  9. bien le bonjour :)

    bien le bonjour :)
  10. COMPARE NYU vs Columbia MSOR: internship, job, quality of life etc...

    - Why did you get into that program ? - Because iniesta told me so
  11. COMPARE NYU vs Columbia MSOR: internship, job, quality of life etc...

    Hi everyone! First of all, thanks for this awesome website, I found a lot of very valuable information here. I got admitted to NYU and Columbia MSOR and I'm still wondering which one I should choose... I got a few specific questions to help me make a decision. 1. I have a French engineering...
  12. NYU MSMF Anyone still waiting for NYU MSMF?

    I see that most of NYU courses are given from 5 to 7pm ; does that mean that you're not busy during the day and have most of the courses during the afternoon-late afternoon ?
  13. What is the daily routine of a trader/structurer/quant ?

    Hey, thanks andy! That is helpful!
  14. What is the daily routine of a trader/structurer/quant ?

    Hi there, I will soon have to choose an MFE program but before doing so, I'd like to know what are the daily tasks of a trader, a structurer or a quant. If you trade stocks on the US market for example, do your working hours match the hours the market is open ? Do you spend the day in front of a...
  15. Columbia MFE

    GPA:3.1 GRE:800 Redirected to MSOR
  16. NYU MathFin

    GPA:3.1 GRE:800
  17. Columbia MSOR

    GPA: 3.1 GRE: 800
  18. Columbia MFE Phone call from Columbia MFE admissions ?

    Just got friday an email from Columbia reminding that I was rejected from MSFE but that my application is now being considered for MSOR...
  19. Columbia MFE Phone call from Columbia MFE admissions ?

    If I have well understood now, 1. When you get a phone interview you get accepted 2. Some people received a rejection mail 3. Others are still pending which mean that may still be considered for MSOR Is that right?