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A tragedy

Hi all. I took the GRE for the first time this week. I saw that I had obtained a 167 in quant, even though I took care not to make silly mistakes and answered the “tough” questions correctly. (Or at least, what I thought🙂)

I am planning to retake the GRE sometime this month. When I retake the GRE, can I omit all other sections and just try to get a better score on the quant section? How will a score of 0%ile in verbal and AWA be looked at by top programmes? Especially CMU and UCB - the two programmes on my target list that still give importance to the GRE score.

Any advice or opinion would be appreciated.
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Seems kinda unprofessional to ask them this on mail. 🥲
I’d argue it’s completely fine! You just have to say: “Hi admissions team, my name is @fatcatking . I am about to take the GRE and I was wondering, how much weight does the admissions committee place on the Verbal and Written GRE score? Does it carry the same weight as the Quantitative score? Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, @fatcatking”

If they don’t consider the verbal score at all, they’ll tell you if you ask them this. You don’t need to tell them that youre considering getting a 130 on it.
There are many ways you can ask the programs about this without emailing: during virtual information sessions, or DM them here.
We have representatives from many programs here.

Don't be afraid, they love questions like this from applicants.
I would also like your opinions. Is it worth retaking the test to get that 1-2 point improvement? (I am discounting the probability of getting a lower score, who knows?🙂)
I would also like your opinions. Is it worth retaking the test to get that 1-2 point improvement? (I am discounting the probability of getting a lower score, who knows?🙂)
I agree with @MikeLawrence …. I’d also wager that CMU values GRE Verbal considering their average scores are so high. But it may also be the case that high GRE Quant scores tend to correlate with high GRE verbal scores. It would be neat to hear from the horses mouth.