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an actuarial student in QFI track who wishes to break into top MFE

Hi everyone,

I am currently studying in a MQF program in Singapore.The program cannot give me the kind of quant positions I want and I want to apply a top MFE master in US after this. Apart from striving to get higher GPA, I am currently taking quantitative finance and investment core exam (an actuarial fellowship exam). It's a very quantitative exam covering
topics in quantitative finance.

Actuarial exams are hard but I would take any opportunity to get into a top mfe program. My question is,'Will passing this exam add some scores to my application for top mfe program?'

Thank you !

so is the state of all Singapore based programs pretty hyped up and a money grabbing scheme for the gullible

Hi everyone,

I am currently studying in a MQF program in Singapore.The program cannot give me the kind of quant positions I want and I want to apply a top MFE master in US after this. Apart from striving to get higher GPA, I am currently taking quantitative finance and investment core exam (an actuarial fellowship exam). It's a very quantitative exam covering
topics in quantitative finance.

Actuarial exams are hard but I would take any opportunity to get into a top mfe program. My question is,'Will passing this exam add some scores to my application for top mfe program?'

Thank you !

You are currently in a MQF and want to join a MFE?
Yes. Actually it's not that MQF or MFE that matters. The difference is the quality of the program. I won't deny that there are people who from my current program doing well in some good positions. But it's still a different story if one can enter the kind of program like CMU.