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Anyone successful at transitioning from EE to FE?

I am curious if anyone with BS or MS in electrical engineering has successfully been admitted to any top MFE program. If so can you share your experience?

My dilemma is that most people think engineering must be highly quantitative. However, there are highly technical fields within electrical engineering that are not really math-intensive or do not require advanced math, such as solid state physics, circuit design, networking, computer architecture, just to name a few. Of course if you are in communications or signal-processing, then there is much more math involved.

Even though I aced all my calculus classes and was good at math, my focus of study has been one of the above non-quantitative areas. So my recommendation letter from the professors who know me the most will not really show that I am good at math, even though they will definitely show that I am technically competent. I get the impression that most top programs want to specifically see mathematical aptitude in the recommendation letters. So is this a huge disadvantage for me?

Thanks if anyone can help out.
Yes, I saw a lot of MFE applicants are from engineering. But within engineering, not all sub-disciplines are highly quantitative.
What math courses other then calculus have you taken?
I did calculus 1~4, which included some multivariate calculus and differential equation, except the course name does not reflect it. I also took stats for engineering and financial stats course. I don't have linear algebra on my transcript, but plan to take either the math prereq course or just take it at a local college.