B.A. Mathematics


Lowly Undergrad
My degree from Baruch will be B.A. Mathematics/Double Minor in CS & Finance. Although I am taking classes now that directly relate to Quantitative Finance, will my degree be frowned down upon because it is not a B.S.?
Cool. I just got into Cornell For OR/IE as a transfer. Should I make the switch?

Engineering Distributions

ENGRD 270: Basic Engineering Probability and Statistics (required)

ENGRD 211a: Objected-Oriented Programming and Data Structures

Required Major Courses

OR&IE 312: Industrial Data and Systems Analysis

OR&IE 320: Optimization I

OR&IE 321: Optimization II

OR&IE 350: Financial and Managerial Accounting

OR&IE 360: Engineering Probability and Statistics II

OR&IE 361: Introductory Engineering Stochastic Processes I

OR&IE 580: Monte Carlo Simulation

OR&IE 581: Discrete-Event Simulation
Christian-- Did you go to Baruch also? Was it easy to get into graduate school out of MoF Concentration?
I did go to Baruch, but I haven't applied to any graduate schools yet so I wouldn't know. As far as undergraduate recruiting, I can tell you for sure that it is much stronger at Cornell.
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