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Baruch College - Master in Financial Engineering

Baruch MFE Baruch MFE Admission Discussion

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sachin
  • Start date Start date
Hello, I was wondering if anyone who has taken the round 1 interview with Baruch could guide me on how to best prepare for the interview. Specifically -

1. For the coding section of the interview, is it more leetcode style problems or do they ask you questions about C++? Do they provide an IDE or do you have to have C++ running on your computer? Anything I should watch out for from the coding part of the interview?
2. Similarly for the math/stat section of the interview, are the questions similar in style to the QBA or are they more theoretical and conceptual?

Any other advice besides the 2 questions above will be much appreciated!
no idea but I'll bump as I'd be interested in hearing about the coding portion as well.

If I was applying this year I'd reach out to people I know who graduated from the program and just ask them. But I'm not, so I'll just suggest that you try and find a graduate to ask.