Baruch MFE Baruch MFE program - Fall 2007 admission statistics


Baruch MFE Director
Admission numbers for Fall 2007 admission in the Financial Engineering MS Program at Baruch College, City University of New York (Baruch College's Financial Engineering MS Program):

337 applicants
48 admitted (14% admission rate)
35 enrolled (19 full-time, 16 part-time)

Average GRE test scores of the admitted students:
795 Quantitative
582 Verbal


- the number of applications increased by 83% (from 184 in 2006 to 337 in 2007)
- the admission rate dropped from 23% to 14%
- the average test scores of the admitted students increased from 768 and 538 to 795 and 582, respectively, for the Quant and Verbal sections of the GRE test

Complete stats will be posted in due time on the Baruch MFE Admission Stats webn page at
Baruch College's Financial Engineering MS Program
I really have to work hard to get in....the best.
To the new studnets, welcome to the Baruch family!!!

Dan, the faculty, the current students and the alumni have all worked very hard to make the Baruch MFE a great program and I am glad to see it is being acknowledged by the market place .....where it counts!!!
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