Baruch MFE Baruch problem: anything I can do?

So I applied to Baruch in early March, and had already asked my calculus professor Dr. Nagy to write me a letter of recommendation in December. He neglected to send the recommendation in by the 18th, so I got an email from Baruch telling me that my app was incomplete . I reminded him, he sent in letters to the 6 other schools I applied to, but not Baruch. I reminded him again on the 24th, and he finally sent it.... or so I thought. Despite his telling me that he got the email, he never sent it in. I just got a letter yesterday saying that I had not been considered.

Today in the mail, I received a letter and brochure from Baruch, dated April 13th. The letter starts "On behalf of The City University of New York, Baruch College is pleased to offer you the following financial aid package for the 2011-2012 academic year."
and goes on to say that I was awarded a financial aid package that included a federal loan. The brochure is a Financial Aid Award Guide.

I sent an email to Dr. Nagy and he apologized and said that he's been very disorganized. I emailed Cathy Levkulic in admissions with this, a few minutes ago.
I received a letter and brochure from Baruch in the mail today, dated April 13th. The letter starts "On behalf of The City University of New York, Baruch College is pleased to offer you the following financial aid package for the 2011-2012 academic year."
and goes on to say that I was awarded a financial aid package that included a federal loan. The brochure is a Financial Aid Award Guide.
I'm very confused.
If this is an error, I'm assuming it is because I would otherwise have been accepted had it not been for Dr. Nagy's mistake (everything else in my application was complete). Below is my correspondence with Dr. Nagy on March 18th, and then my correspondence yesterday. This may be more information than you care to read, but I just wanted to demonstrate that I did everything reasonable to try to get him to send the letters. I'm sure he would be willing to send you the letter of recommendation now, since he already wrote it and simply neglected to send it. Please see if there's anything you can do, I would really like to attend Baruch (despite my application to all 7 of these schools, Baruch has the strongest program, and is my first choice). I put a lot of thought into my application, and to be disqualified on a technicality that was beyond my control doesn't seem fair to me, nor do I think it fair to Baruch, as I believe I would really contribute to the program. If there is anyone from MFE admissions that would have the power to reconsider my application, please forward this to them, or give me their contact information so I can explain. I noticed that Baruch does not set a specific limit on its class size, and I hope that you will agree that Baruch would be better off with my contribution to the 2011 class.
Jason ____
and as indicated in the email, I attached all of the correspondence between Dr. Nagy and I. I won't include that here, unless someone wants to see it for some reason...

so does anyone have any idea why I got that financial aid letter? Is there anything else I can do?
Before the correspondence above, yes. I sent this
Hi, I recently applied to the MFE program and I received an email that
said "At this time your application still remains incomplete. This is
to notify you that your application has now become deactivate."
I'm confused as to how this is the case, as I believed I had satisfied
every requirement. The only missing piece was one recommendation from
Gabriel Nagy, but he sent me confirmation that he had submitted the
recommendation on March 25th.
What was missing?
from which I received the reply

Dear Jason,

We have check our records and the on line application form and we do not have a recommendation from Gabriel Nagy. You application will remain deactivated.


after I posted that and sent the email, I received this back a few minutes ago

Hi Jason,

The financial aid information does not come from our admission office, that is from Financial Aid. If you receive aid that does not mean you have been accepted into any program. Admission is only offered through the Office of Graduate Studies. I very sorry that your recommend did not send in his letter but we have closed admission.


so it looks like its done... really disappointing...
Embark does email applicants confirmation emails, so you should have known he did not send it. You can also login to the Embark system to check of the status of each recommender. I have had some trouble too with recommenders. Just remember, professors can be very busy people, always working on grants, giving lectures abroad, etc, and you have to be on top of them. On the bright side, there is next year.
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