Hi guys.... first of all, apologizes if my english is not very good, I'm not a native speaker so it's not easy for me to express ideas but I'll try...
well, I've been studying quant finances for the last 3 months, on my own, with just the classic Hull book. I've been reading about the Black model (or Black 76) which basically it's said to be an improvement of the classic B-Scholes one , as far as I'm concerned, for valuing options on assets which cannot be modelled using the usual lognormal model. I've got a couple of doubts about it.
1. could anybody tell me one academic example of such an asset? (let's forget that empirically, none of them fit lognormal model ) and in that case, why could we assume that future price of the asset would (theoretically) fit the model?
2. this is related with las question on 1. Taking into acocunt relationship between future price and underlying asset, if we assume log returns of forward prices are normal, wouldn't we be assuming too that asset prices log returns are normal too?? (which would contradict what we say that asset price is not lognormal)
thanks very much for the help!!!
And sorry if questions are bit weird, but I'm quite new on this subject...
well, I've been studying quant finances for the last 3 months, on my own, with just the classic Hull book. I've been reading about the Black model (or Black 76) which basically it's said to be an improvement of the classic B-Scholes one , as far as I'm concerned, for valuing options on assets which cannot be modelled using the usual lognormal model. I've got a couple of doubts about it.
1. could anybody tell me one academic example of such an asset? (let's forget that empirically, none of them fit lognormal model ) and in that case, why could we assume that future price of the asset would (theoretically) fit the model?
2. this is related with las question on 1. Taking into acocunt relationship between future price and underlying asset, if we assume log returns of forward prices are normal, wouldn't we be assuming too that asset prices log returns are normal too?? (which would contradict what we say that asset price is not lognormal)
thanks very much for the help!!!
And sorry if questions are bit weird, but I'm quite new on this subject...