Book Recommendation

I just got access to this amazing book on Options Trading ... Have read only 60 pages, but still felt compelled to *HIGHLY* recommend it ....

Dynamic Hedging : Managing Vanilla and Exotic Options -- By Nassim Taleb
ISBN 0471152803 // 978-0471152804 Dynamic Hedging: Managing Vanilla and Exotic Options (Wiley Finance): Books: Nassim Nicholas Taleb

It tells a great deal about how options traders deal in real life, and the kind of risks a trader faces and a what can go wrong when "dynamic hedging" : unlike other books which talk about pricing derivatives, this book talks about managing/ "hedging" options...


PS : Just a mention, not a beginners book; basic intro to options required...
I am a complete newbie. I am about to finish my PhD in CS but have no clue of finance world. I want to pursue a career in as a quant. What is the first book you would recommend to me.

Andy, I see a lot of people on the forum who either have or working towards PhD and interested in becoming quants. We might want to have a separate thread to discuss our opinions on the topics like switching from PhD to MFE or doing MFE after PhD or doing PhD after MFE or just having one of the two.
Andy, I see a lot of people on the forum who either have or working towards PhD and interested in becoming quants. We might want to have a separate thread to discuss our opinions on the topics like switching from PhD to MFE or doing MFE after PhD or doing PhD after MFE or just having one of the two.

That would be great.
I am a complete newbie. I am about to finish my PhD in CS but have no clue of finance world. I want to pursue a career in as a quant. What is the first book you would recommend to me.


Hull "Options, Futures and Other Derivatives." I'm surprised no one mentioned this yet.
How I Became A Quant

Has anyone read "How I Became A Quant, Insights from 25 of Wall Street's Elite" by Richard Lindsay and Barry Schacter.
I ordered it through after hearing about it on the IAFE website. It came on July 3rd.
I just got a chance to read most of it, after finishing a summer course in Diff EQ.

It is really, well......insightful, as the title suggests. Seriously it gets into detail about how these Financial engineers ended up where they are and what type of products they work on.
I was particularly interested in the future use of Financial Engineering to manage pension funds, given the changing risk environments.

Highly recommended.

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