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Boston University - MS in Mathematical Finance and Financial Technology

Boston MSMFT BU Admissions Thread

Hello everyone,

I am pretty interested in applying for the MSMF program at BU. Could you please let me know if any one has gotten an admit from here so far?
got admit as well. I think apply early really helped. BU is very quick with giving interviews and offers.
Well got admit. They informed me that official information package will be mailed by next week. But no mention about Scholarship, would be much more happy to receive some scholarship...
Congratulations to all. Please if anyone talks to a current study an alumni or a professor don´t hesitate to share any relevant information
Just had an interview with Boston, I think it went well.
Anyone else done an interview yet?
Also anyone know how many people make it through the process?
Just had an interview with Boston, I think it went well.
Anyone else done an interview yet?
Also anyone know how many people make it through the process?
Congrats, Michael.
Have you checked our Tracker for data on people who applied/interviewed/got admitted?
Remember to put all your timelines there as well.
I had an interview on 19 Feb and questions were the things covered in essays. For example, why BU and MSMF, how educational background/work experience will help you succeed in MSMF, personal interests. At the end of the interview, she asked for my questions about program/admission. That is all. Good luck in your interviews.
+1 to above, she also asked what aspect of my undergrad university did I like the best. But essentially what was asked is from the essays.
Good luck!
Hello all!

I've started this thread to know if anyone who's been wait-listed has heard from BU yet. Also, existing members who have any information could let us know of the same.