• C++ Programming for Financial Engineering
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    Python for Finance with Intro to Data Science
    Gain practical understanding of Python to read, understand, and write professional Python code for your first day on the job. Learn more Join!
    An Intuition-Based Options Primer for FE
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Can UCLA's MFE program help me start my trading career?

I just got accepted to UCLA's MFE program and would like to have a career in trading. I believe this is probably the best program I can get into without improving my GRE scores (790Q/450V/4.0W). One thing about this program that I like is how there's a guaranteed internship in the middle of the program which I feel I need for experience. Many of the east coast programs run fall-spring and don't offer internships. It also seems to have solid career services and a good average salary for graduates. However, one thing I'm concerned about is whether or not I'll be able to get an internship/job on a trading desk at a bank/hedge fund/asset management firm. I'd be willing to go to Hong Kong or Singapore to start my career, but I'm an American and I'm not sure how Americans place over in Asia. If anybody has any more insight on how inspiring traders fair in this program I'd appreciate your input. I've only traded equities so far, but I'm interested in trading all financial products. Thank you.