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Carnegie Mellon University - MS in Computational Finance

CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Admission results

just got an email. with a a flash video said congrats on it. And got the official letter after i logged in. :)
Did you get the email ? There is a link when you log in which gives your the result letter.
i got accepted too as well. But what video are you speaking about ? I did not see one in the online application. Also were you informed of any scholarships via the online ?
I have been given admission too :)

It is provisional and I need to complete a calculus based probability course. Although I have already completed one at undergrad.
I think that the letter sent out was a standard letter to all persons admitted where we are asked to complete an online probability course as well as a math and computer science refresher course before entering the program.
My letter included scholarship info. I realize this is a first world problem, but I have to decide between Princeton and CMU with a substantial scholarship. Not sure what to do.
Information about scholarship is in the second paragraph of my letter. I was also asked to complete an online probability couse as well as a C++ course.
I have been to told to take the refresher computer programming course offered by CMU. It was mentioned in my letter.