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Carnegie Mellon University - MS in Computational Finance

CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Admission results

Hi Shweta, could you please tell when they sent out the invite. Given it's sunday, I wonder if they are working.

The wait is killing me.
Can you say anything more about it? Was there anything technical?
Nothing technical, Rick first asked how I learned about the program, then about career plans, and other programs I applied to. Then I asked him a couple of questions. Then interview only went about 12mins, and it's more like a chitchat
Nothing technical, Rick first asked how I learned about the program, then about career plans, and other programs I applied to. Then I asked him a couple of questions. Then interview only went about 12mins, and it's more like a chitchat
Rumor has it they only want to check out your mental health state.
Andy Nguyen I have my interview with Gwen, and from most of the CMU based posts, it appears that Rick conducts an "easy" interview where he asks the standard Qs each yr... but Gwen has a more "different" interview than the standard Qs... any tips on how to prepare for my interview (with Gwen) ?