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Carnegie Mellon University - MS in Computational Finance

CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Admission results

I got a reject in round 1 this year..interview invites were sent out almost until the last day...so dont worry :)
Hi guys, I just got an invitation for an interview today. They say in the email that they will like to conduct the interviews by March 25th, and I am suppose to schedule an appointment with them for a time in the coming week.
If you guys read Quantnet a bit, you'll not be worried much about interview at CMU. It's probably with Rick, the director. He is a nice guy and the interview is basically to make sure you are presentable and can speak English well. You are not going to be asked stochastic calculus via Skype, so get a good phone connection ready.
If you guys read Quantnet a bit, you'll not be worried much about interview at CMU. It's probably with Rick, the director. He is a nice guy and the interview is basically to make sure you are presentable and can speak English well. You are not going to be asked stochastic calculus via Skype, so get a good phone connection ready.

Er... But someone said there's a new interviewer named Gwen in R1 this year.
So just a little bit worried.
Btw, Andy, is everyone who receives interview got admitted?
OMG, I'm so happy........ just received an interview invitation...
I don't think it means anything... I believe they will be sending invitations throughout the week. Plus, as far as I know, they don't interview all applicants. I can ask the interviewer this question on the 21st.

Good luck to all of us :|