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Carnegie Mellon University - MS in Computational Finance

CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Admission results


Is there anyone who has got an interview invite? I don't think they've started rolling out the invites yet.
Any interview requests?? I just saw one more on the tracker?
I am a bit skeptical, because the person indicated he submitted his application on January 9th, which should be pushed back to Round 2. It doesn't make sense to me that none of the applicants in Round 1 are qualified enough to receive invitations before a Round 2's applicant is even being considered, don't you think?
I am a bit skeptical, because the person indicated he submitted his application on January 9th, which should be pushed back to Round 2. It doesn't make sense to me that none of the applicants in Round 1 are qualified enough to receive invitations before a Round 2's applicant is even being considered, don't you think?
yes bro, but lets wait. :)
Just want to let you guys know I received my invitation today. Pretty surprised that they have worked during the weekend, so appreciate their efforts:) And 24 time slots available (including mine) to choose from, so best of luck to you guys!
Just want to let you guys know I received my invitation today. Pretty surprised that they have worked during the weekend, so appreciate their efforts:) And 24 time slots available (including mine) to choose from, so best of luck to you guys!
All the best!
Just want to let you guys know I received my invitation today. Pretty surprised that they have worked during the weekend, so appreciate their efforts:) And 24 time slots available (including mine) to choose from, so best of luck to you guys!
All the best !
Just want to let you guys know I received my invitation today. Pretty surprised that they have worked during the weekend, so appreciate their efforts:) And 24 time slots available (including mine) to choose from, so best of luck to you guys!
Hey! can you tell us when you had applied ?, and something about your background?
Hey! can you tell us when you had applied ?, and something about your background?
Right on the last day of Round 1 deadline (Jan 5th). Background is so so. Currently a PhD international student, obtained my MSc in Math (4.0 GPA) in August 2016 at an unknown state school in the US. Low GRE score, but it was 4-years ago (V/M/W: 148/170/3.5), and Math GRE Subject (800 - 80th percentile). Two letters are probably great, another one is probably so so (all three came from Math and O.R. professors at my current university). Always love Finance (particularly on the investment side), and found this program a great match with what I am lacking as well as what I could contribute to.
Right on the last day of Round 1 deadline (Jan 5th). Background is so so. Currently a PhD international student, obtained my MSc in Math (4.0 GPA) in August 2016 at an unknown state school in the US. Low GRE score, but it was 4-years ago (V/M/W: 148/170/3.5), and Math GRE Subject (800 - 80th percentile). Two letters are probably great, another one is probably so so (all three came from Math and O.R. professors at my current university). Always love Finance (particularly on the investment side), and found this program a great match with what I am lacking as well as what I could contribute to.
thanks a ton bro, you're very kind :)