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Carnegie Mellon University - MS in Computational Finance

CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Admission results

Does the last sentence mean...a rejection? I am worried cause our conversation is too short;p
I think you are making to much of if. They say that phrase in every email/communication. It is almost protocol. I doubt he'd reject anyone on the spot right after an interview unless it was really atrocious.

I still haven't got an invite. Mine was marked on review on 24th Jan... Anyone on the same boat?
I just hope this doesn't mean a rejection
They told me that they would release all the responses for the first round on March 20th, so there's still a few days to possibly get the invitation. Good luck.
It's March 20th, but I have received nothing so far. Anyone received a phone call/email notification about the decision yet?
I got rejected. Completely unexpected...speechless. Not sure if the fact that I let them know I got admitted to the phd program and need to make decision leads to this result. sad;(
Congrats to everyone who got admitted! May I know if any of you received the scholarship as well?

To those who got rejected (especially after the interview stage): don't be discouraged or heart-broken, as there is always next year (no application fee, which is nice...). Everything would be fine at the end...
There is a WeChat group for admitted students. Feel free to let me know your WeChat ID if you would like to be added.