Carnegie Mellon University - MS in Computational Finance

CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Admission results

I had my interview with Rick Bryant 24th morning... and the questsions are pretty much what everyone else said: How I learn about the program, what other programs I applied and would I choose CMU over others and why. Although he didnt ask me about my future career plan... I guess part of the reason is I explained that in some length in my essay.
It was overall a nice chat I think. Lasted about 20 mins, although I thought it was pretty quick as he was done asking me questions by the 11th/12th min. In the remaining of the time I asked 2 questions and it was all chatting.
Anyway good luck to the rest of you who has yet to do the interview. And yes Andy I mentioned Quantnet as one of my sources in researching these various programs!
How many of interviewed applicants ( i mean why percentage wise) do actually get through ?
I don't think it means anything... I believe they will be sending invitations throughout the week. Plus, as far as I know, they don't interview all applicants. I can ask the interviewer this question on the 21st.

Good luck to all of us :|
Hey Roni, did you ask this question? What reply did you get?
I was supposed to have my phone interview at 11:30 this morning and have still yet to receive a call. Tried calling the admissions office but to no avail.
Apparently there was some sort of error in the timings of the email. Interviewing at 1:30 now. Can't wait to get this over! Best of luck to you too.
I interviewed with Jacqueline Goslin, who was fairly nice. Discussed why I choose their program, what about CMU made it stand out, asked me the "tell me about yourself question", and asked about career goals. She threw in a couple of technical questions which surprised me but nothing too bad. The one question that kind of threw me off was "why enter our program straight out of undergrad?" which I sort of fumbled. No word on whether or not I'm in, and when I asked when decisions would be made she said she was unsure.
BA in Mathematics, BA in Economics, Minor in Mathematical Decision Sciences (stats) from UNC Chapel Hill
GPA - 3.96 overall, 4.0 in both majors and minor GPAs
GRE - 800Q/610V/5
Math - Calc 1-3, Discrete Math, Differential Equations, Advanced Calculus/Analysis, Number Theory, Combinatorics, Linear Algebra for Applications
Econ - Intro to Econ, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Econ Statistics, Econometrics, Advanced Macroeconics, Analysis of Public Policy, Labor Economics
Stats - Intro Statistics, Probability, Long Term Actuarial Models, Short Term Actuarial Models
Also have taken Managerial Accounting and Financial Accounting
Been teaching myself C++ from two different books because UNC doesn't offer any basic programming classes in the languages that are regularly used, have a working knowledge of STATA

I've tutored through the UNC learning center for a year teaching Math, Econ, and Statistics to other undergrads
Been a private calculus tutor
Was a TA for Econ 101 - intro to econ for a semester. Assisted in daily lectures, taught a weekly recitation, and did administrative work.

Have a pending internship with an equity and equity-index option trading company that uses proprietary analytics and high-frequency algorithm trading technology developed by an engineer that I've met before.

I've already been accepted into Rutgers' MSMF program but really have no idea how my application will fair now. During my interview I was told I had very strong communication skills but they were worried about my lack of previous industry interships/work experience.
3:13...interview was supposed to be at long should i wait until I contact the admissions office?

Also, I'm not missing anything am I. They have my skype id, they should contact me as long as I'm logged into skype, correct?
Believe, I waited half an hour, then emailed Alesha Lynn and got a response in 10-15 minutes. Seems like they might be having some difficulties today.

edit - I only had a phone interview, they didn't want to Skype me for some reason
yeah n/m, rick bryant called me seconds after I posted that last message

for those interested,
interview entailed really general questions about interest:
how did you find out about cmu?
where else have you applied/received acceptances? where does CMU rank? (i told him cmu and nyu would be my top choices)
he then tried to sell me CMU for a bit
and then I had a chance to ask him some questions
lasted about 15-20 min
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