College of Arts and Sciences


Hi guys I have kind of a dilemma here because I applied to the Cornell College of Arts and Sciences to study Applied Mathematics/ Computer Science (Undergrad)

But I found out that in the College of Engineering they have Financial Engineering courses under Operations Research.

Please give me some advice, if I get in should I transfer to College of Engineering, is it hard to transfer. Or is it better to stay in CAS.

I love the job that quants do, my father is a quant and I read a lot of books about quantitative analysis. It really interests me because I love math and applying it to the Financial World.

Best Regards,
If I understand you correctly, you are a high school senior hoping to start as a freshman at Cornell in August 2010. If that is the case, do not transfer just to take financial engineering courses. You can take engineering classes as an Arts & Science student. Focus on whatever major you want and use your electives to take the FE courses. I took the undergrad Operations Research courses on FE at Cornell and am now doing an MFE at Cornell. I can tell you that the undergrad versions are nothing like the graduate courses. They are extremely watered down. Take some finance courses and maybe do economics as a major and one of the other majors you listed since it isn't too hard to double major in the arts college. If you really want to do OR for what it is and not for the one or two watered-down FE courses you might take, then do it. Just realize you can take those same courses (provided you do some prereqs) in A&S as electives. Also, if you are admitted, I recommend speaking with the OR department once you start school to see what they recommend that you do.
Thanks for all info it was very helpful. I hope I'm admitted, decision is coming up soon
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