Columbia MAFN vs Columbia Operations Research

Wasn't sure if there was already a forum on this, but how does these 2 programs compare and whether there's any significant difference between them. Thanks!
They are completely different programs under different departments. MSOR is designed for supply chain and such but over the years, people find ways to tailor their courses selection for FE. Be prepared for not getting any dedicated career services if your aim is to get into quant finance.
In this highly competitive job market, it's recommended to do a proper program with dedicated career support team that can better prepare you. Even with the right program, getting in is just the first and easiest step.
In this highly competitive job market, it's recommended to do a proper program with dedicated career support team that can better prepare you. Even with the right program, getting in is just the first and easiest step.
If I am not mistaken, this is the 'Industrial Engineering and Operations Research' and is ranked at no. 6 with a better Avg Salary right? If so, how come they achieve it without a dedicated career support team, any idea? They do have a dedicated Financial Engineering track.
I got into Columbia MAFN but myself wondering if I should wait for Columbia MFE results (which I believe is the Fu Foundation one which is IEOR). I have 4 years of workex (2 years quant structurer) and want to break into QR. I see many alumns of MAFN who are QR themselves doing what I aspire. So MAFN makes more sense if my research is correct?

Also, is it true that most experienced individuals prefer MAFN over MFE?
Columbia IEOR dept hosts several master programs, each with 100+ students. MFE and MSOR are just two of them.
The ranking is for the MFE program. We don't rank their MSOR program.
As for the career services, I would refer you to the reviews by recent graduates to get a better idea.

Columbia MAFN is offered by the Math department and the Statistics Dept. By its nature, it is more mathematical which may be more useful in QR roles. They don't publish detailed breakdown of their graduates by roles, firms so it's hard to know.
Each program enrolls 100+ students each year.
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