I am an American citizen, undergrad American University of BeirutI am from India, Btech one of the IITs, dunno what has gone wrong, i was at least expecting a redirect to MSOR....what is your nationality and undergrad
I am an American citizen, undergrad American University of BeirutI am from India, Btech one of the IITs, dunno what has gone wrong, i was at least expecting a redirect to MSOR....what is your nationality and undergrad
I've gotten a response from Columbia - nope, there was no mistake, I was really not admitted after the interview.
Does anyone know what Columbia could possibly have been looking for in the interview besides gauging language proficiency and level of interest in the program? It must have been a really huge bungle if I was interviewed and subsequently rejected outright instead of being redirected to MSOR...
it says pending in my case ..Did anyone who was redirected via email to MSOR check application status online? I wonder what does it say in this case? Is it going to be pending until adcom decides about this new MSOR application or something else?
so does that mean if you also get accepted by cmu, you will choose cmu and turn columbia mfe down? just curious..does anyone know that by when we have to confirm our admission if we have got an admit? i think cmu round 2 result is still one month away so can we get that much time to confirm with columbia? i have been accepted but i dont want to confirm my seat without looking at my cmu result. im sure applicants in past years also faced this. any guidance much appreciated.
so does that mean if you also get accepted by cmu, you will choose cmu and turn columbia mfe down? just curious..
Saw on tracker that remylebeau had revised his "Result" for Columbia MFE to "Admit"...
guess adcom must had did a U-turn on him! amazing!
Such imagery.remylebeauhas some serious explaining to do
Ok, he did ninja me.
It raises hope to denizens everywhere. My theory is that they check QuantNet and see how his heart was broken, his hope dashed and did a double take.
Such imagery.That is certainly a valid theory, and no exaggeration too.
But if the adcoms are really tracking QuantNet and cross-referencing their applicants with QuantNet members, we would have to be very judicious about what we reveal here! Especially as we express preferences for one program over another.......?
No, I don't actually have an admission letter, just an email from the admissions office containing a one-liner saying I'll be admitted. The online application system also tells me that I've been admitted to the MSFE. (Yes, I checked it to make sure no-one's pulling my leg.)Congratz remylebeau! May I ask you, if your admission letter is similar to those admitted applicants'?
True that. I did select the programs largely with help from QuantNet's ranking and interviews with program directors. The Tracker has been immensely helpful as well in helping me to see the profiles of the students who have been admitted, and to gauge when I'm lagging so far behind in the timeline that I should email the admissions office to ask if they've forgotten me! :pThat works out really for you in the end, doesn't it?
It is statically proven that putting your applications on our Tracker is a goodluck charm.
709 of the current 1588 applications there has an Admit status, a 44.7% admit rate. How can you beat that?
Programs love to see more applicants use the Tracker. That gives them more visibility specially if they can crack the top tracked programs list. It's well-known that people are more likely to apply to additional programs if they see a lot of other applicants do.
Hi, I think no harm trying, although they usually don't give you any reason, even if they respond at all.You think i should email them if i did not get admitted and ask why.![]()