Yes they did. That is what the offer letter says. 11:59 pm on Thursday, February 25th. I thought it was unusual as well.They give 9 days to respond to what? To accept admission to the school? That seems unlikely.
Yes they did. That is what the offer letter says. 11:59 pm on Thursday, February 25th. I thought it was unusual as well.They give 9 days to respond to what? To accept admission to the school? That seems unlikely.
They give 9 days to respond to what? To accept admission to the school? That seems unlikely.
wtf? if i were u i would have already paid my deposits to princeton...
stanford's program is half-baked looking like simply of combination of courses from different departments. everyone can get into stanford icme... im not even joking
like cmu, nyu, and baruch, columbia's courses r specifically designed for mfe degree, lacking certain amount of rigor but very practical.
princeton has less specifically designed courses but its electives r so diverse so good... and princeton brand is exotic. i toured the campus once, beautiful...
both columbia and princeton offer unparalleled career opportunities and support; whereas stanford's icme has shitty career services.
no brainer...
I have to agree with that. The class size of the MCF track within the ICME is only ~15 people... Also, I am not 100% quantitative finance will be right for me. I want to do computation and programming for sure. Stanford's ICME will give me access to those classes and allow me to get jobs in a field other than strictly finance. I am also interested in potentially a PhD at some point which Stanford would set me up for. Essentially it comes down to the fact that at Princeton, I would get a finance degree with a concentration in quantitative methods and programming but at Stanford, it would be vice versa.
it's been almost two days after my interview. God, why haven't they say congrats to me.No, I got the admit mail the next day!Hope this helps.
Relax. My interview was on Feb 14th, and I haven't received any update either. I think those who received admission should have got admitted to other school like Princeton as well. So Columbia wants them to make decisions earlier. Just my's been almost two days after my interview. God, why haven't they say congrats to me.I am soooo anxious right now.
yea..probably. Let's pray for good luck then. Feel like i really need an offer nowRelax. My interview was on Feb 14th, and I haven't received any update either. I think those who received admission should have got admitted to other school like Princeton as well. So Columbia wants them to make decisions earlier. Just my guess.
Mine was on 12th. I think those interviewed by faculty were given admits's been almost two days after my interview. God, why haven't they say congrats to me.I am soooo anxious right now.
oh is it? i thought no good news after interview meant no offer. that's a comfortMine was on 12th. I think those interviewed by faculty were given admits asap.
I was interviewed by a faculty member of IEOR@JDB ... First of all - kudos and congrats...
Secondly, were you interviewed by a faculty member or a senior student of ieor?