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Columbia University - Masters in Financial Engineering

Columbia MFE Columbia MFE admissions results

  • Thread starter Thread starter Vixus
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that's a fairly long list for just one area in one country...any idea on how long each interview lasts? I'm wondering if they would possibly shoot tech questions this year given the record number of applications...looks like this program keeps changing admission processes for recent years...
that's a fairly long list for just one area in one country...any idea on how long each interview lasts? I'm wondering if they would possibly shoot tech questions this year given the record number of applications...looks like this program keeps changing admission processes for recent years...
20 min per person. asked to provide resume
From what I understand,
1. Last year, an interview invitation is almost equal to an admission (see the questions they asked), but there are individuals who were admitted without an interview (similar things can be found in the FAQ section).
2.However, this year, there are 42 interviewees in Beijing, China alone (can't find official source for that), which means many would not be able to pass it even if an interview invitation is given. Oh, how considerate they are.
3. A face-to-face interview? Please be kidding.
Why do these guys (who have interviews) don't update their tracker???

Simply because they are not using quantnet...

Got following info from a Chinese forum: (http://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/thread-21893-1-1.html)

"Interview notifications are received on Feb. 12. The interviews are scheduled around Feb. 16, and they are all on-site interviews in Beijing. There are 42 interviewees in total mostly from Peking University and Tsinghua University."
Simply because they are not using quantnet...

Got following info from a Chinese forum: (http://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/thread-21893-1-1.html)

"Interview notifications are received on Feb. 12. The interviews are scheduled around Feb. 16, and they are all on-site interviews in Beijing. There are 42 interviewees in total mostly from Peking University and Tsinghua University."
LOL I like how they quoted Andy
Simply because they are not using quantnet...

Got following info from a Chinese forum: (http://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/thread-21893-1-1.html)

"Interview notifications are received on Feb. 12. The interviews are scheduled around Feb. 16, and they are all on-site interviews in Beijing. There are 42 interviewees in total mostly from Peking University and Tsinghua University."

Surprised to find my post link here.. haha:LOL:
Did anyone receive interview invitation from Columbia? I got an email from them 30 minutes ago

Yes. "discuss your candidacy and interest", and "no longer than 15 minutes" explicitly mentioned. I feel it is the same old thing as past years'.

Maybe Chinese students are under a different selection mechanism (selection pool)?
Yes. "discuss your candidacy and interest", and "no longer than 15 minutes" explicitly mentioned. I feel it is the same old thing as past years'.

Maybe Chinese students are under a different selection mechanism (selection pool)?

phone interview?
congrats to those who got interview!
if you dont mind, can you share the info about how many slots they gave out?