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Columbia University - Masters in Financial Engineering

Columbia MFE Columbia MFE admissions results

  • Thread starter Thread starter Vixus
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Please can I ask others to try and query friends to find out if others have received offers, who are not on quaQuant
A friend told me that she knew another girl from India who got an accept. So, admits are definitely being rolled out
Given, everyone who applied was interviewed I think it is reasonable to assume they would take some time to process the application
There are 100 slots available, and we know only 2 who have got it! There is still hope! Maybe results day today! :)
Too much of optimism can make one delusional :P. Anyways, I called up the Grad admissions office and they asked me wait until the end of March before making any further contact. HODL till then.
This is really strange... around 30 ppl from quantnet had received admits by 15th of march last year... now either lot of people have already received their admits but are not part of Quantnet or the admission roll outs are really late... either way its quite strange
I wonder whether the ADs are all sent at once? If I did not get any updating from school, do I still have the chance to get the AD in the near future?
If the deposit date is still 03/23/2018, the remaining decisions will be released soon.