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Columbia MFE Columbia MFE done sending admits already?

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Yes, it's the same for me.

Redirected to MSOR and asked to write a paragraph about my interest in the MSOR program by March 20.
is this the only school people are looking at? I would recommend going elsewhere.. I really do not want to do MSOR and I am not personally applying.
Hi guys, I was also redirected to MSOR. However, I got into the MAFN program fairly quickly (like less than one week response) so I suggest to take a look at that program and if you're interested you might have a good shot at it. The deadline isn't until May =)
Hi guys, I was also redirected to MSOR. However, I got into the MAFN program fairly quickly (like less than one week response) so I suggest to take a look at that program and if you're interested you might have a good shot at it. The deadline isn't until May =)

Appreciate the advice, was thinking the same thing. Did you mean from when you submitted your application to when you received an offer it only took about one week?
Appreciate the advice, was thinking the same thing. Did you mean from when you submitted your application to when you received an offer it only took about one week?
Actually it was a week and a half. Possibly I just hit a good time when they were getting ready to send out some responses.
Hi All,

Any idea whether all those interviewed for MFE were redirected to MSOR, and what are the chances after redirect?