COMPARE Columbia MFE & MSOR Inquiry

I did some searching and could not find an answer. It is a rather simple question. It seems most people are applying to Columbia are interested in the MFE or MSOR with FE concentration. I am interested in financial engineering as well as operations research and quantitative methods to improve processes in all types of businesses, so not necessarily MSOR with FE concentration. So my question is, when one applies to a program in the IEOR department, is it one app for all programs and you choose the one(s) you are interested in? Or do you have to submit separate applications for both? Since many people are redirected to MSOR from MFE, is it incorrect to apply to both? Does it look bad? This question stems since I have interest in both financial engineering and operations research and not just having operations research as a back up. Thanks in advance.
Would not it be better to ask Columbia Admission Office or contact someone from IEOR ?
Suppose you apply to both separately and get accepted into both, which one would you join? Applying to MFE has the added benefit of potentially being referred to the MSOR program but it's not a guarantee as they only refer a subset of rejected MFE applicants.
They should have some policy on their website about applying to both programs under the same department?
you can apply to multiple programs within COlumbia but not in the same school..
so no, you cant apply to both OR and FE..
I had asked them last year..
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