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CompSci majors win

The problem is that CS is a much more difficult degree than anthropology at your typical school. It's not theoretical physics, but it gets at least a 7 out of 10 on the difficulty scale. A C is still a grade you have to earn in CS at most programs. At UIUC, we started with a class of 250 and finished with a class of ~150- 100 students had transferred out to other majors.

I wonder what the results look like when we poll people based on what degree they started pursuing.

Finally, I'd argue that there's a lot of skew in the distribution, and much of the PV in the salary is front-loaded. There aren't a lot of guys over 40 in Silicon Valley. And a few 23-year-old billionaires raise the average but not the median.

For the 15% of the country that can handle CS, it's a good major. For everyone else, there's accounting, finance, or nursing. Just make sure your degree gives you skills for an actual job.