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Considering a Master's in Mathematics and Finance vs. Transitioning from Software Engineering to Quantitative Trading

I just graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science this June. I completed two internships, one of which was at a FAANG company as a Software Developer. I have received a full-time offer from this FAANG company, and I will be joining in two months as a full-time Software Engineer.

I am interested in entering the quant world as a Quantitative Trader or Quantitative Researcher , though I find QT more interesting. After some research, I discovered that I can pursue a Master's in Mathematics and Finance. Alternatively, I've heard that I can continue in my software engineering role and eventually transition into the quant world as a QT.

Now, I’m trying to decide on the best course of action. Is it worth leaving my job to pursue a Master's in Mathematics and Finance? How challenging is it to get into an MFE program at Oxford, Imperial, or UCL with a Bachelor's in Computer Science? Or would it be easier to transition into the quant world from my current role as a Software Engineer?

Edit : Personally, I prefer pursuing a Master's in Mathematics and Finance, but since this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, I want to make sure I can get into top universities like Imperial or Oxford. I am also open to suggestions, such as pursuing a Master's degree in the USA.
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