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CMU MSCF Course Requirements - How bad it is if I didn't take a course listed on the website?

Hello there, I'm new to this forum. I am an Econ & Stats student from UCLA and planning to apply for various MFE programs this fall. Been browsing the program websites and notice different programs have slightly different course requirements. I know it also depends on programs but just for the two examples: CMU MSCF says applicants should know C++ back in school, while Waterloo MQF says applicants must have taken Real Analysis, both courses are not on my school's major requirement lists and thus didn't take them (also really hard to get a seat in these courses even I want to, being a non-math/CS major student). Given that I satisify all other requirements, i.e. cal, linear algebra, statistics, python/R, etc., how bad it is to have one course not taken for these two programs and in general? Any insights are much appreciated!!