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Credit Suisse MFE & PhD Summer 08 Recruitment

To all Ph.D. and Quantitative Master's Degree students:
In our last communication to you, we announced that Credit Suisse posted several summer and full-time opportunities through your University's Career Center Web Site. If you have not already done so, please remember to apply to our quantitative and technical summer and full-time programs. Please note that the deadline to apply is rapidly approaching, and we do not want you to miss out on an amazing opportunities.

As a reminder, there are many opportunities available for Ph.D. and quantitative Master's Degree students at Credit Suisse in our Securities (Fixed Income & Equity) and Information Technology areas. The opportunities range from highly mathematical quantitative work to advanced technical work depending on the area that interests you the most. Attached is a list of opportunities available along with application instructions.

If you are unsure of how to submit your resume, please contact your Career Center, and they will direct you to the appropriate web site, OR you can contact us at phd.recruiting@credit-suisse.com.

Please note that Credit Suisse will be hosting a Securities PhD and Quantitative presentation ONLY. Information Technology will not be hosting a presentation, however you are strongly encouraged to apply to their program through your Career Center if this is your area of interest.
The Securities Ph.D and Quantitative Presentation will be held on February 6th, 2008 at The Le Meridien Cambridge, MA. At this presentation, you will learn about the summer and full-time opportunities that are available, how Ph.D. and quantitative Master's Degree students can add value to a Wall Street firm, and the people and culture at Credit Suisse. Information regarding the presentations will be sent to you soon.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at phd.recruiting@credit-suisse.com.
We look forward to meeting you in the coming weeks.
Kind Regards,
Ph.D. and Quantitative Campus Recruiting and Training


  • CREDIT_SUISSE_-_Job_Descriptions_for_Universities_-_SPRING_2008.pdf
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