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Difference between MFin & Financial Engineering

I meant the Macro Economic Analysis. But I have taken coursework in Statistics as well. I kinda like both of them. So Id like to know which among the two could be more marketable and helpful to me in better analyzing markets. So I'd really appreciate if you could help me clear the clutter and take an informed decision. (FYI Im a CFA L2 Candidate and I cleared the CFA L1 with top band score on all topic areas)
Econometrics... still Economics.
True but I've found books to be of greater use than a professional Masters degree would. I think I'd greatly benefit it you could explain the intersection of the two: Financial/International Economics vs Quant Finance applied work i.e what kind of employment opportunities could the knowledge of the two could lead to. As in I'm considering MFEng. Plus I plan to hone Economic skills by myself. So what kind of potential employers can I be looking at after completing my Masters in Financial Engineering degree( GRE 334, Quant 169).
Understand the underlying economics trends, patterns and cycles will help you understand the macro factors that drive the economy.
True but I've found books to be of greater use than a professional Masters degree would. I think I'd greatly benefit it you could explain the intersection of the two: Financial/International Economics vs Quant Finance applied work i.e what kind of employment opportunities could the knowledge of the two could lead to. As in I'm considering MFEng. Plus I plan to hone Economic skills by myself. So what kind of potential employers can I be looking at after completing my Masters in Financial Engineering degree( GRE 334, Quant 169).
let me put this question to you, what do you want to do? Do you have an idea? What exactly is your goal?
Money Management. And I am quite fascinated with Global Macro strategies. But I feel since I come from an engineering background I could lever my mathematical background to land a position in a Systematic Hedge Fund, preferably Global Macro. So I'd really appreciate your response based on this background.