Double Masters?

Hello Friends,

I took my GRE and I have already starting my Part time MS in Financial Engg. application procedure for Fall 2010. Recently, I read about the CQF course on forums and I am in a dilemma as to whether to pursue my MS or just the CQF.
I have done my Bachelor's in Biomedical Engineering from India, MS in Biomedical Engg in USA and am working as a Research Engineer in NY for past 2 years.
I want to switch my career to quantitative finance. By considering the option of doing one more MS (Part time), I am looking for a commitment of 2-3 years and a hefty tuition fee. The CQF course, though intense, can be completed in 6 months.

Will there be a scope for me in the job market after completing only CQF (especially when I am changing the field)?
Is MS a better option over CQF (in my scenario)?

Your suggestions are really valuable for me as I have to take a decision which will be shaping my entire career.

Rupesh S
I have to declare an interest, being on the faculty of the CQF.

It is usually easier to do the CQF part time than an MFE, because the CQF doesn't tie you down to specific hours, and does not conflict so much with your day job.

Biomedical eng. covers a wide field, perhaps you could give a feel for that and the work you are currently doing.
I have to declare an interest, being on the faculty of the CQF.

It is usually easier to do the CQF part time than an MFE, because the CQF doesn't tie you down to specific hours, and does not conflict so much with your day job.

Biomedical eng. covers a wide field, perhaps you could give a feel for that and the work you are currently doing.

Does institute of CQF provide the placement service ?
Post-Course Support<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
Allow me to be upfront and honest here - we cannot guarantee that you will reach your desired career path as a result of doing the CQF, but it is very likely that you will do, for the following reasons:<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
- upon graduation, we will take your CV and send it out to select headhunters and recruiters that operate within the quant space. These individuals view CQF grads extremely favorably and work diligently to try to place them<o:p></o:p>
- we have several post-course internships currently in place in the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:place w:st="on"><st1:country-region w:st="on">US</st1:country-region></st1:place>, and are in communication with several other companies about getting further internships. These would be for select delegates who would start on a 6 month placement with a view to permanency<o:p></o:p>
- we can also put you in contact with a career counselor to assist you with your CV and job prospects<o:p></o:p>
- some of our alumni head up various quantitative departments at a lot of the larger financial institutions. We have many alumni industry events where you will be able to mingle with these individuals, and our online directories and groups also provide excellent networking opportunities.

I can put you in touch with some alumni if you like - email me at and I will send some names and contact info over to you.
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