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Dual Degree (B.Tech and M.Tech)

Hi ,

I am applying to Baruch MFE in the 2nd round......i have one query regarding my undergrad degree.....

i have done Dual Degree (B.Tech and M.Tech, 5yrs) from IITM....in the application form under the Education details section, what do i fill for the degree details....i mean do i mention it as separate B.Tech and M.Tech degrees or just one single degree.....if single degree then how do i define my degree(B.Tech,M.Tech or ?)....

aslo the characters are limited for the "Degree Received or Expected" field...only 5 characters... so i believe i have abbreviate it.....

Prof. Stefanica,

I have one more query. Do we need to submit the supplemental forms "Student Visa Request form" and "Declaration of Finance" form with the application or after getting the admit.

Thanks for your wishes!

with the application is better, but you can do it after you are admitted as well.