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Financial Engineering Major for Undergrad


Is it a good idea to go do a financial engineering major for undergrad? Several prominent schools have programs: Columbia and Princeton have their ORFE programs (BS in Operations Research:Financial Engineering | Department of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research and Undergraduate Program | Operations Research and Financial Engineering), CMU has their computational finance major (Bachelor of Science in Computation Finance), etc.

Are these majors preferable to traditional majors, like math and cs, for those wishing to become a quant?

Originally I assumed they would be to prepare students to get their MFEs and such, but looking at the placements I'm wondering if these degrees are fairly sufficient on their own (Princeton's ORFE placement results: https://orfe.princeton.edu/sites/orfe.princeton.edu/files/documents/Post Graduate Plans 15-00.pdf). The only threads on this forum I could find on the topic are from quite a while ago, when these programs were quite new and there weren't placement results to go off of, so I'm wondering if there is new perspective on these degree programs and their advantages/drawbacks.