Hey , guys. I'm an italian student and i have to do a work for a project in my study course.
The project is on the vasicek model
The part that i don't understand is the following.
1- Using datastream or Nyse-euronext (ex.liffe) find the cross-section of the euribor rates ( or the corrispondent ZCB prices) for different maturities and get the term structure for the closest available date.
2-Estimate the parameters of the vasicek model with OLS for the best fit at the term structure observed.
3-Repeat the previous point for the quotations of the last 12 months with weekly intervals ( get the wednesday quotations)
The first part is the part where i have more difficulty, beacuse i don't understand what data i should take

Thanks in advance. sorry for the english
The project is on the vasicek model
The part that i don't understand is the following.
1- Using datastream or Nyse-euronext (ex.liffe) find the cross-section of the euribor rates ( or the corrispondent ZCB prices) for different maturities and get the term structure for the closest available date.
2-Estimate the parameters of the vasicek model with OLS for the best fit at the term structure observed.
3-Repeat the previous point for the quotations of the last 12 months with weekly intervals ( get the wednesday quotations)
The first part is the part where i have more difficulty, beacuse i don't understand what data i should take

Thanks in advance. sorry for the english